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Geophytology :

Volume 10, Numbers 1&2, December, 1980
R.N. LAKHANPAL- Dr. Rajendra Verma Sitholey v-vi
RAO, A.R. & PATANKAR, T.B.V.- Studies on Isoetes sahyadriensis Mahabale, 1- Ontogeny of Stomata 1
DUTTA, S.K.- Palynostraitigraphy of the sedimentary formations of the Arunachal Pradesh-2, Palynology of the Siwalik equivalent rocks of Kameng District 5
SESHAVATHARAM, V.- Embryology and phylogeny of the tribe Galegae (Papilonoidea) 14
AGNIHOTRI, A.K. RAMAN, K.V. & DESHPANDE, S.B.- Composition and characteristic of chlorite dominant sediments of Lower Siwaliks 20
SRIVASTAVA, SURESH C.- Miofloral succession of Lower Gondwanas in the North Karanpura Coalfiled 29
SINGH, K.P.- Lichen genus Maronea Mass. in India 34
ANAND-PRAKASH- A study of landforms near Jaisalmer 37
BABU, S.K. ASSEEFA, G. & RETTA, N.- Petrographic and chemical studies of carbonaceous rocks around Marsh Valley near Debre Berhan Ethiopia 45
KUMAR, S.- Occurrence of some Lebensspuren in Son river Sediments, Mirzapur district, U.P. 51
NAVALE, G.K.B. & MISRA, B.K.- Classification of composite microlithotype of lignite 54
ANAND-PRAKASH- Geomorphic evolution of Like River, south of Pokaran, Rajasthan 58
SRIVASTAVA SURESH C.- Palynostratigraphy of Lower Gondwana sediments in Chirimiri Coalfield, M.P., India 62
KUMAR, S. SINGH, M.P. & SINGH S.N.-Litthostraitigraphy, age and Palaeogeography of the newly discovered fossiliferous infratrappeans, Lalitpur District, U.P. 72
KUMAR, S. & KUMAR, R.- Oolites from Thalkedar Limestone Formation (Late Precambrian) and their significance in diagenesis 81
CHANDRA , PRAKASH & KHARE, R.C.- Epidermal studies in some species of Pteris L. 89
ANAND-PRAKASH- Geomorphic evolution of saline depression near Pokaran, Rajasthan, India 96
SINGH T. & PRAKASH, U.- Leaf impressions from the Siwalik sediments of Arunachal Pradesh, India 104
RANA, V. & TIWARI, R.S.- Palynological succession in Permo-Triassic sediments in bore hole RNM-3, East Raniganj Coalfield, W. Bengal 108
KULKARNI, A.R. & PHADTARE, N.R.- Leaf epidermis of Nypa from lignitic beds of Ratanagiri District, Maharashtra 125
SRIVASTAVA, P. N. & NIGAM, C.- Soil Algae from semi-arid regions   129
MANDAL, M. & MITRA, K.- Pollen analysis of Honey from Sunderbans (West Bengal) 137
KHARE, P.K.- Epidermal structure and development of stomata and trichomes in Hemionitis arifolia ( Burm.) Moore 140
BANDE, M.B. & PRAKASH, U.- Fossil woods from the Tertiary of West Bengal India 146
PHADTERE, N.R. & KULKARNI, A. R.- Palynological investigations of Ratnagiri Lignite, Maharashtra 158
KAR, R.K.- Permian miospores in the Miocene sediments of Kutch, Gujarat 171
LALITHA, C. & PRAKASH, U.- Fossil wood of Sindora from the Tertiary of Assam with a critical analysis of anatomically allied forms 174
SIDDIQUI, S.A., AHMAD, R. & SIDDIQUI, S.P.- Studies on the structure and ontogeny of stomata and trichomes on the lesves of some Solanum species 188
SHAH, G.L. & MATHEW, L.- Epidermal structure and development of stomata in some Compannulaceae with a note on their bearing on taxonomy in the family 193
BAKSI, S.K. & DEB, U.- Palynostraitigraphic Zonation of the Upper Cretaceous-Palaeogene sequence of Bengal Basin 199
NAIR, I.N. & MAHABALE, T.S.- Mycorrhiza in Ophioglossaceae- Part II-Isolation and reinoculation of the endophytes and testing their pathogenieity 225
LELE, K.M. & SHUKLA, MANOJ- Studies in the Talchir flora of India-12, Palynology of the Talchir Formation of Hutar Coalfield, Bihar 231
S. RAO, VENIGELA & INAMDAR, J.A.-Organographic study of vessel elements in the genusGossypium 239
NAVALE, G.K.B. & MISRA, B.K.- Systematic study of organic microconstituents of the main seam of Neyveli Lignite, South India 245
Notes, News and Reviews
ARUN KUMAR - A note on the new forms of stromatolites and trace fossils from Nainital Area , Kumaon Himalaya, India
MAITHY, P.K. -Record of microbiota from the Penganga Formation (Precambrain) Wardha Valley 267
BANDE, M.B. & PRAKASH, U.- four new fossil dicotyledonous woods from the Deccan Intertrappean beds near Shahpura, Mandla Dist. M. P. 268
SINGH K. P.- Lichens new to Indian flora 272
PATEL, R.J.- Vaucheria madhuensis sp. nov. from India 275
SINGH, H.P. & SAKSENA, R.K.- Upper Siwalik palynoflora from Gagret Bharwain Road section, Himachal Pradesh 278
MAITHY, P.K.- Neoscytonema a new name for Palaeoscytonema Maithy & Shukla 280
REHNELT, KURT- On Robert Potonie’s contribution to our knowledge of the chemistry of fossil spore exines 281
KAR, R.K.- The Third Indian Geophytological conference 283



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