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Geophytology :

Volume 11, Number 1, July1981
RAO, A.R.- Third Indian Geophytological Conference : Presidential Address      (i)
HARRIS, T.M.- The pteridophytes of the ancient world (v)
PRASAD, M.N.V. & CHANDRA, S.- Two species of Australoxylon from the Kamthi Formation of Chandrapur District, Maharashtra 1
UDAR, RAM & GUPTA, ASHA- Differentiation of the genus Targionia L. in India-1 The West Himalayan Complex 6
AMBWANI, K.--Borassoid fossil palm root from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Nawargaon in Wardha District, Maharashtra 13
PARADKAR, S.A. & BARLINGE, S.G.- Rodeites reinvestigated -III 16
PATEL, R.J. & ASOKA KUMAR, C.K.-On Triplastrum spinulosum (Kisselev) Gauthier- Lievre from Gujarat, India 25
NANDI, BHARATI - Miofloral investigation on the Neogene Formation of Moran and Nahorkatiya wells, Upper Assam, India 27
JANA, B.N. & BOSE, M.N.- Hausmannia dichotoma Dunker and Pterophyllum princeps Oldham & Morris from Than, Saurashtra 41
MATHUR, A.K.-Biometrics of some Siwalik Charophyta 45
GHOSH, A. & SHOME, D.- How far was the sea from the Umrer Basin during Sakmarian time ? 65
UDAR, RAM & AWASTHI, U.S.-The genus Archilejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. in India 72
DE, CHIRANANDA & BAKSI, S. K.- Geological significance of burrows produced by the carb Uca marionis on salt marsh river bank of inner Sundarban delta complex, India 80
BIRADAR, N.V. & BONDE, S.D.-Nandorioxylon saksenae gen. et sp. nov.--a new gymnospermous wood from the Kamthi Stage of Chandrapur District, Maharashtra State, India 90
Notes, News and Reviews RAI, J.N. & Misra, J.K.- Olpidiopsis : a parasitc fungus from alkaline water 96
SAXENA, R.K.- Lithostratigraphic study of the Bhuban Formation in Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya 99
Obituaries Professor S. N. Singh 101
Dr. Keshav Mukund Lele 102
Volume 11, Number 2, December 1981
KAR, R.K. & SAXENA, R.K.-Palynological investigation of a bore core near Rataria, southern Kutch, Gujarat 103
LEELAVATI, P., RAMAYYA, N. & PRABHAKAR, M.-Study of leaf costal cell distribution patterns and their taxonomic significance in the Leguminosae 125
MEHROTRA , N.C.- Palynological correlation of Mikir Formation with Lower Palaeogene sediments of Shillong Plateau 133
UDAR, RAM & KUMAR, ADARSH- The status of Nardia assamica (Mitt.) Amak. 143
GARG, K. L.- Rhizosphere and rhizoplane mycoflora of some Indian mangrove plants 148
KHAN, FAIQ A., SIDDIQUI, SHAMA P. & SIDDIQUI, SAEED A. - Development of endosperm, embryo and seed in Solanum khasianum Clarke 154
BISHT, P.S. & BADOLA, H.K.-Foliar venation patterns in Polygonum species    158
REDDY, G.N. & KULKARNI, A.R.-Anatomy of palm stems : I. Chyrsalisdocarpus lutescene Wendle. 165
SINGH, H.P. & SAXENA, R.K.-Palynology of the Upper Siwalik sediments in Una district, Himachal Pradesh 173
BANDE, M.B., PRAKASH, U. & BONDE, S.D.-Occurence of Peyssonnelia and Distichoplax in the Deccan Intertrappeans, with remarks on the age of Chhindwara traps and palaeoecology of the region 182
MATHEW, L. & SHAH, G.L.- Structure of trichomes in six species of Premna (Verbenaceae) with a note on their taxonomic significance 189
BHARADWAJ, KUSUM & KAUL, K.N.-Trapa : Fossil record, distribution and systematics 195
BABU, S.K. & ASSEFA, GATANEH-Petrographic and chemical investigation of some Ethiopian coals 204
PRASAD, B.N. & FATMA, TASNEEM- Aphanochaete magna Godward-a new addition to Indian Flora 211
CHANDRA, S. & RIGBY, J.F.-Lycopsid, sphenopsid and cycadaceous remains from the Lower Gondwana of Handappa, Orissa 214
TIWARI, R.S., SRIVASTAVA, SURESH C., TRIPATHI, A. & SINGH,VIJAYA- Palynostraitigraphy of Lower Gondwana sediments in Jharia Coalfield, Bihar 220
SHARMA , B.D. BOHRA , D.R. & Singh, R. -Ferns and fern allies of Rajasthan- Anatomy and experimental studies in relation to draught resistance 238
SINGH, K.P. -Microlichens of Manipur 242
Notes,News and Reviews UDAR, RAM & SINGH, D.K. - Some new comboniations under Phaeoceros Proskauer 257
PATEL, R.J.- Glaucocystis indica Patel sp. nov. from India 259
SRIVASTAVA, S. K. & KAPOOR , S.L.-Enumeration of Indian Chionanthus L. (Oleaceae) 262
SRIVASTAVA, S.L. & TOPLAL , RENU - A new record of Meliola from Garhwal Himalayas 264
TIWARI , R.S.-Protosaccate condition in Gondwana disaccate pollen 266
News - IAP,- Vaanaspatik -Club, EM -Group, Award Obituaries 268
Dr. S . K. BAKSI 269
Prof S . Sambe Gowda 270



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