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Geophytology :

Volume 12, Number 1, July 1982
RAO, A.R. & PATANKAR , T.B.-Studies on Isoetes sahyadrii II-Morphology       1
LEELAVATHI , P. & RAMAYYA, N.- Trichomes in relation to taxonomy I-Mimosoideae 6
KUMAR , S. & PALIWAL , G.S. -Foliar anatomy of Scrophulariaceae and Acanthaceae 22
PATEL , R.J.- Addition to desmid flora of Keala, India 30
SHAH, G.L . & MATHEW, L. - Trichomes in some species of Clerodendrum 40
MONDAL, M. & MITRA, K.-Pollen dimorphism in Rourea santaloides W. & A. 46
PRABHAKAR , M & RAMAYYA , N- Foliar venation patterns and their taxonomic importance in Indian Portulacaceae 49
SANMUKHA RAO, S.R. & RAMAYYA, N.-Epidermal studies in the genus Elaeocarpusy taxonomic importance in Indian Porulacaceae 55
UDAR, R. & KUMAR , A.- Studies in the east Himalayan Hepaticae -II : the genus Chandonanthus Mitten 59
TRIVEDI, B.S . & SRIVASTAVA , K. -Pangioxylon mohgaoense gen . et sp. nov. from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mohgaon Kalan , Chhindwara distt., M.P. India      65
SRIVASTAVA , S.K. & KAPOOR , S.L. -Chionanthus montanus Bl.(Oleaceae)-- A new record for Indian flora 69
AWASTHI, N. & GULERIA, J.S.-Leaf impressin from Hirpur (Lower Karewa), Kashmir 73
UDAR, R. & SHAHEEN, F.- A new Folioceros from South India 78
SAXENA, R.K. CHANDRA, A. & SETTY, M.G.P.A.-Palynological investigation of the sediment cores from the Arbian Sea 2 Dinoflagellate Cysts and Acritarchs 81
SRIVASTAV, A.K.,CHANDRA, S.- Pteridophytic remains from the Selected Searsole Colliery, Raniganj Coalfied, West Bengal, India 95
PANDEY, A.K., CHOPRA, S. & SINGH, R.P.- Anatomy of seeds and fruits in some Asteraceae (Compositae) 105
MEHROTRA , P.C., SINGH, G., KUMAR, G. & AHLUVALIA, A.D. - Chitinozoa from Lower Palacozoic sequence of Spiti, Himachal Pradesh , India 111
Notes , News and Reviews
PALIWAL, S.P., BADOLA, H.K. & ALIWAL, G.S.-iwal , G. S. -Floral anatomy of some Garhwal Himalayan trees
MISRA, J.K.-Brevilegnia bispora and Dictyuchus pseudictyon : Two new records for Indian aquatic fungi 120
UDAR, R. & AWASTHI, U.S.- Dicranolejeunea yoshinagana (Hatt.) Mizut. new to Indian bryoflora 122
TIWARI, R.S.-Nature of striations and taeniae in Gondwana saccate pollen 125
SINGH, K.P. & SINGH, S.R. - Two new species of lichen genus Buellia from India 128
SHARMA, L.R.- Additions to the lichen flora of Nepal -IV 130
SRIVASTAVA , A.K.- A Lower Barakar mioflora from Raniganj Coalfied , W. Bengal 131
CHANDEL, P.S. & SINGH, R.P. - Accessory gynoecia and carpels in Solanum Nigrum L. complex through gamma rays 133
TRIVEDI, B.S., VERMA, C.L. & BAJPAI, S.K. - Halophytic roots from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Madhya Pradesh. 135


Volume 12, Number 2, December 1982
TRIVEDI, B.S. Palms : The big game of plants- Fourth Indian Geophytological Conference : Presidential Address 137
HEG, OVE ARBO- Palacobotany’s contribution to Neobotany : Lecture delivered on the occasion of the award of second Palaeobotanical Society International Medal 144
BANDE, M.B. & PRAKASH, U.-Palaeoclimate and palaeogeography of Central India during the early Tertiary 152
MONDAL, M. & MITRA, KRISHNA- Pollen morphology and systematic relationship of Sabiaceae 166
SINGH, VIJAYA & TIWARI, R. S.- Pattern of miofloras through Permo-Triassic transition in Bore Hole RAD-2, East Raniganj Coalfield, W. Bengal       181
KAR, R. K.-- Fossil Padiastrum from the Khari Nadi Fromation ( Lower Miocene) of Kachchh, Gujarat 187
WADHWANI, KAMLA & MEHROTRA, NISHI- Studies on osmophilic, thermophilic and osmo- thermophilic fungi associated with seeds of Linum usitatissimum 192
TRIPATHI, ARCHANA & TIWARI, R.S.- Barakar mioflora from Jharia Coalfield 195
MISRA, J.K.-Salinity-cellulolytic activity relationship of some aspergilli isolated from muddy soil       201
BALAPURE, K.M. & RASTOGI, K.- Additions to the flora of Pindari glaciers and neighbouring localities in the Kumaon hills, Uttar Pradesh 207
DALVI, N.S. & KULKARNI, A.R.-Leaf cuticles from lignitic beds of Ratnagiri district, Maharashtra 223
REDDY, G.N. & KULKARNI, A.R.- Developmental fruit anatomy of some coryphoid palms 233
AWASTHI, N. & AHUJA, MADHU- Investigations of some carbonised woods from the Neogene of Varkala in Kerala coast 245
RATAN, R. & CHANDRA, A.- Isolated thyriothecia from the surface ( bottom) sediments of the Arabian sea 260
NAVALE, G.K.B. & MISRA, B.K.- Petrographic evalution of certain foreign coals 264
NAWANI, P. & KULSHRESHTHA, K- Culticular and epidermal studies in some species of Terminalia L. 273
GANESHAN, T.M. & BOSE, M.N.- Plant remains of Mesozoic age from Lingshi Basin, Bhutan 279
SAXENA, R.K. & SINGH, H.P. - Paenological investigation of the Upper Siwalik sediments exposed along Hoshiarpur-Una Road section in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh 287
CHAUBAL, P. D.-Palynological studies of some bee-forage plants from Sagarmal, Maharashtra, India 307
GUPTA, H.P. & KHADELWAL, ASHA-Late Holocene palynology from the lake in Sat Tal Valley, District Nanital, Kumaon Himalaya, U.P. 313
AMBWANI, K.-Occurrance of a fossil axis belonging to Agavaceae from Neyveli lignite, South India 322
TRIVADI, B.S. & UPADHYAY, NIRMALA- Epidermal structure in Marsilea minuta Linn. 325
PRASAD, B. N. & FATMA, TASNEEM- Epibolium polysporum Duringer (Chlorophyceae, Chaetophorales)-a rare green alga from India 336
Notes, News and Reviews
KAR, R.K.-On the original homeland of Ceratopteris Brong and its palaeogeographical province
UDAR, R. & SHAHEEN, FARHAT- The status of some species of Porella in Herb, G. 342
Fifth Indian Geophytological Conference 343



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