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Geophytology :

Volume 13, Number 1, July 1983
PAREEK, H.S.- Stratigraphy of north-western India and its correction with that of India Basin, Pakistan, Malagasy and South-Africa      1
RAJESHWAR RAO, P.V., RAMANUJAM, C.G.K. & VARMA, Y.N.R.- Palynology of the Gangapur Beds, Pranhita Godavari Basin, Andhra Pradesh 22
LAKHANPAL, R.N. & GULERIA, J.S.- A preliminary appraisal of the Tertiary megaflora of Kachchh district, Gujarat, Western India 46
SRIVASTAVA, A.K. & RIGBY, J.F.- Sphenophyllum, Trizygia and Gondwanophyton from Barakar Formation of Raniganj Goalfield, with a revision of Lower Gondwana Sphenophyllales 55
PRASAD, B.N. & MISRA, P.K.- Studies on the genus Spirogyra Link-from Andaman and Nicobar Islands 63
BHATT, D.G.- Structure and ontogeny of stomata in seedlings of some Gamopetalae 72
TRIVADI, B.S. & TRIEADI, RAJNI- Pollen flow in Helianthus annuus Linn 79
UDAR, R. & GUPTA, ASHA-Differentiation of the genus Targionia L. in India-II. The east Himalayan and South Indian complex and description of a new species of Targionia 83
BISHT, P.S., MALASI, G.B. & PALIWAL, G.S.-Nodal organisation in Hamamelididae       88
SRIVASTAVA, KANTI-Scanning electron microscopic studies of leaf surface in some species of Ipomoea 93
SINGH, I. B.- Crofungi intabiting alkaline ponds 98
MISRA, J.B.K.-A note on the nature of stromatolites of Krol sediments, Nainital, Kumaon Himalaya, with special reference to Conophyton 111
BHATT, D.K., MAMGAIN, V.D., MISRA, R.S. & SRIVASTAVA, J.P.- Shelly microfossils of Tommotian age(Lower Cambrian) From the Chert-Phosphorite Member of Lower Tal Formation, Maldeota, Dehradun District, Uttar Pradesh 116
THITE, A.N. & PATIL, S.D.-Studies of Indian Meliolaceae-III 124
MEHROTRA, R.C., PRAKASH, U. & BANDE, M.B.- Euphorbiocarpon drypeteoides,a new euphorbiaceaous fruit from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mandla District, Madhya Pradesh 127
Notes, News and Reviews
BHARADWAJ, D.C.- Phanerozoic stromatolites : case histories- Review


Volume 13, Number 2, December, 1983
SHETE, R.H. & KULKARNI, A.R.- Affinities of Palmoxylon sclerodendrum Sahni, with reference to structure of leaf-sheaths.   137
NANDI, S.C. & MUKHERJEE, P.K.- Observations on the vegetation of Noamundi iron ore mines, Singhbhum, Bihar 145
SHAH, G.L. & NAIDU, A.C.- Trichomes on some Lamiaceae 165
PALIWAL, D.P., THAPAR, H.S. & KIMOTHI, R.C.-Nodal and petiolar organisation in family Solanaceae : A comparative analysis 177
CHANDEL, P.S. & SINGH, R.P.- Floral variabilities in Solanum nigrum complex induced through gamma irradiation 180
UDAR, R. & KUMAR, D.-Morphotaxonomy of Redula companulta (L.) Dumort. from India 184
MAITHY, P.K., VENKATACHALA, B.S. & (Late) LELE, K.M.-Microbiota from subsurface of Ganga Basin 190
RATAN, RAM, & CHANDRA, A.-Palynological investigation of the Arabian sea sediments : Fungal spores 195
SAXENA, R.K. & SARKAR, S.-Reworked dinoflagellate cysts from the Siwalik Group of Chandigarh and Himachal Pradesh 202
NAVALE, G.K.B. & MISRA, B.K.-Status of Indian coals in universal classification of solid fossil fuels 214
SINGH, H.P. & TRIPATHI, S.K.M.- A comparative study of the spores of Ceratopteris thalictroides (L.) Brongna. and Striatriletes van der Hamm. emend. Kar. 219
TIWARI, R.S. & SINGH, V.-Miofloral transition at Raniganj-Panchet boundary in East Ranigan Coalfield and its implication on Permo-Triassic boundary 227
Notes, News & Reviews
VARMA, Y.N.R.- Erlansonisporites Potonie, megaspores from the Sriperumbudur beds of Palar Basin, Tamil Nadu
WADHWANI, K. & DUDEJA, S.K.- Stachybotrys atra Gorda var. microspora Mathur & Sankhla, antagonistic againt Aspergillus fumigatus     237
SRIVASTAVA, SHYAM, C. & PAL, P.K.-Upper Triassic fossil plants from Son River section near Giar, Shahdol, District, M. P., India 238
ANAND-PRAKASH- Role of geomorphology in palaeobotanical studies 239
RAO, M. R.--A new recored of Malayaspora costala Trivedi, Ambwani & Kar from Tertiary sediments of Meghalaya and Assam 241



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