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Geophytology :

VOLUME 15, Number 1, July, 1985
KUMAR, A. & UDAR, R.- The genus Jamesoniella (Spruce) Schiffn. in India        1
RAO, M.R., SAXENA, R.K. & SINGH, H.P.-Palynology of the Barail (Oligocene) and Surma (Lower Miocene) sediments exposed along Sonpur-Badarpur Road Section, Jaintia Hills (Meghalaya) annd Cachar( Assam) Part V. Angiospermous pollen grains 7
GHOSH, A.K. & ROY, S.K.-Further observation on pollen morphology of Cassia sophera 24
TRIEADI, B.S. & SRIVASTAVA, KIRAN-Canarioxylon shahpuraensis from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Shahpura, District Mandla (M.P.), India 27
PRASAD, B. N. & MISRA, P. K.-Genus Miorasterias Agardh. from Andamans      33
NAVALE, G.K.B. & MISRA, B.K.-Significance of vitrinite and intertinite ratio in the Lower Gondwana coals of Peninsular India      39
ASOK KUMAR, C.K. & PATEL, R.J.-Zygospore formation in some Desmids of Gujarat, India 45
BAJPAI, USHA- A Gangamopterid leaf from the Raniganj Formation 60
UDAR, R. & SRIVASTAVA, G.-Cololejeunea (Pedinolejeunea) kashyappi sp. nov. from Karnataka, India 64
PAL, APARNA, PARIA, N. & CHANDA, S.- On pollen morphology of common ground vegetaion of Lava, Rechi La And Lulagaoun, Darjeeling District 67
CHANDEL, P. S. &. SINGH, R. P.- Gamma-ray induced morphological abnormalities in Solanum nigram complex 76
THITE, A.-Addition to sooty moulds of Maharashtra-III 82
SHARMA, CHHAYA-Rccent pollen spectra from Garhwal Himalaya 87
SINGH, A.-Observation on some taxa of the lichen genus Anthracothecium 98
Notes, News & Reviews
PRASAD, B.-A new lithostratigraphic unit in the Lower Gondwana Succession of Pachwara Coalfield, Rajmahal Hills, India
GUPTA, ASHA- Inaperturotetradites udarii, nom. nov.-A new name for Inaperturotetradites psilatus Rao & Ramanujam, 1982 113
PAL, P.K.-Rewaphyllum Srivastava, A superfluous name for Lepidopteris Schimper 114
VOLUME 15, Number 2, December, 1985
RAMANAMURTY, B.V.-Permian lithostratigraphy of Ramagundum- Manttheni Area, Godavari Valley Coalfields, A. P.       119
TRIEADI, B.S., SRIVASTAVA, R.K. & BAJPAI, S.K.-Hygrorhizos deccani gen.et sp. nov. from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mohgaonkalan( M. P.), India 137
UDAR, R. & KUMAR, ADARSH-Family Cephaloziellaceae in South India 141
MEBRADU, S., AKPEDEYE, I. & ONOJAKPOR, O.K.-The stratigraphy and palynology of Owan/Okpanam/Oba Tertiary sediments, Southern Nigeria 146
VARMA, Y.N.R.-Fungal remains from the Tertiary carbonaceous clays of Tonakkal Area, Kerala 151
UPRETI, D.K. -Studies on the Lichen Genus Baeomyces from India 159
TRIPATHI, S.K.M. & SINGH, H.P.-Palynology of the Jaintia Group (Palaeocene-Eocene) exposed along Jowai-Sonapur Road, Meghalaya, India, Part I. Systematic palynology 164
KUMAR, SUDARSHAN-A survey of aero-allergenic pollen and spores in the urban environment of Bareilly (India) 188
AMBWANI, K.- Observations on the anatomy of the stem of Trachycarpus martiana H. Wendl. 199
SHARMA, CHHAYA-On the Late Quaternary vegetational history in Himachal Pradesh-3, Parasram Tal 206
PRASAD, BIJAI & MAITHY, P.K.- Re-evaluation of some Indian Lower Gondwana Filicalean taxa 219
Notes, News & Reviews
PAL, P.K.-Palaeobotany and stratigraphy of the Dhaurai Hill beds, South Rewa Gondwana Basin, India
GUPTA, ASHA-Inapertisportes udarii nom. nov.-A correction for I. punctatus Chandra, Saxena & Setty, 1984     226
SARATE, O.S.-A Karharbari mioflora from Kamptee Coalfield, Maharashtra State, India 227
PROFESSOR A, K. GHOSH (1905-1985)



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