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Geophytology :

Volume 16, Number 1, July 1986
VENKATACHALA, B.S.-Palaeobotany in india-Quo-vadis 1
AXELORD, DANEL, I.-The Sierra redwood (Sequoiadendron) forest : End of a dynasty 25
POCOCK, S.A.J. & VASANTHY, G.-EDS analysis of pollen wall surface of Veronia monosis Cl. (Asteraceae) and pollen-soil concentration of elements 37
KHARE, P.K. & SHANKAR, R.-On the petiole structure of some Adiantum species 54
HUSAIN, T. & PAUL, S.R.- Ixora calycina Thw. (Rubiaceae)-New to the Indian flora           63
TRIVEDI, B.S. & PANJWANI, MADHU-Fossil wood of Bauhinia from the Siwalik beds of Kalagarh, U.P. 66
BANERJI, JAYASRI & PAL, P.K.- Allocladus papillosus n. sp. from the Salt Range, Pakistan 70
GHOSH, A.K. & ROY, S.K.-Studies on leaf architectural pattern and cuticular features of some members of Mimosoideae 73
RAO, M.R.-Palynology of the Barail (Oligocene) and Surma (Lower Miocene) sediments exposed along Sonapur-Badarpur Road Section, Jaintia Hills (Meghalaya) and Cachar (Assam)- part IV. Gymnospermous pollen grains 89
SARASWAT, K.S.- Ancient crop plant remains from Sringaverapura, Allahabad (C.1,050-1,000 B. C.) 97
KHAN, PEERZADA, S.H. & SINGH, R.P.-Structure and developments of seeds of Wrightia species (Apocynaceae) 107
SINGH, K.P. & UPRETI, D.K.- On the species of Cladonia from Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur, India 113
PANT, D.D. & CHATURVEDI, S.K.-Pollination ecology of Asclepias curassavica L. 119
BAGCHI, G.D. & TRIPATHI, RAJNI-Scanning electron microscopic studies on some medicinally important seeds of Papilionaceae 122
SRIVASTAVA, S.C. & SRIVASTAVA, ABHA - A new Heteroscyphus from eastern Himalayas 129
VAGYANI, B.A. & ZUTING, M.P.-Occurrence of Pterophyllum distans Morris from Uppugunduru, Andhra Pradesh
SHARMA, P.D., SHARMA, A.P. & JAIN, K.-Preliminary list of Mosses from Rajasthan 134
SRIVASTAVA, A.P., RAJAGOPALAN, G. & AMBWANI, K.- Fission-track dating of fossil palm wood from Shahpura, Mandla District, M. P. 136
SHARMA, C.P. & AGARWALA, S.C.-Coriander-A spice sensible to deficiencies of N, P, K, Ca and Mg 138
UPADHYAY, NIRMALA & VERMA, C.L.- Palm cuticle from Neyveli lignite, South India 142
VERMA, C.L. & UPADHYAY, NIRMALA- Spiral phyllotaxy in Equisetum debile 144

VOLUME 16, Number 2, December, 1986
MANJREKAR, V.D., BANDOPADHYAY, D.N. & GHOSH, A.- Environmental interpretation from facies analysis and root-bearing beds of Lower Gondwana sediments from Meral sub-basin of the Daltonganj Coalfield, Bihar       145
CHAUHAN, Y.S.-A comparison of ethrel and gamma rays effects on shoot apex organization and cell enlargments in vegetative shoot apex of Solanum khasianum Cl. 153
SUTHAR, O.P. & SHARMA, B.D.-Petrified fructifications of Conifers from the Jurassic of Rajmahal Hills , India 159
ANIEL KUMAR, O., PANDA RAMESH C., RAJA RAO, K.G. & RAMANUJAM, C.G.K- Pollen morphological studies in Capsicum : 90 species and varieties 166
PATEL, J.D. & REGHU, C.P.-Nuclear area and slenderness ratio in tension wood of some angiosperms 176
PRASAD, B.N. & JETLY, Y.C.- Systematic description, distribution and ecology of certain benthic lentic diatoms 181
PEERZADA, KHAN, S.H. & SINGH, R.P.- Developments and structure of seeds in Carissagrandiflora A. DC. (Apocynaceae) 189
SRIVASTAVA, G.N. & BAGCHI, G.D.-SEM studies on the spermoderm structure of some medicinally important species of Solanaccae 193
YADAV, S.R & KULKARNI, A.R. -Ecological studies in Psoralen corylifolia Linn-I-Pods, seeds and seed germination 198
BONGALE, ULHAS D.-Occurrence of Nitzschia Navicula and Pinnularia in relation to soil physsico chemical properties and the relative abundance of diatoms in cultivated soils of Karnataka State (India) 216
NAVAL, G.K.B -Definition of terms and a calssification system of coal resource 220
MAITHY, P.K. & BABU, RUPENDRA - Misraea a new body fossil from the Lower Vindhyan Supergroup (Late Precambrian ) around Chopan Mirzapur District U.P. 223
VIJAY KUMAR, B.K., PRABHAKAR, M., RAMAYYA, N. & LEELAVATHI, P.- Structure , distriution and development cavitated tirchomses in Indigofera L. (Fabaceae) 227
TRIVEDI ,B.S. & UPADHYAY, NIRMALA-Epiderrmal structure and ontogeny of stomata in Ravenala madagascariensis J.F.Gmel 232
SARATE, O.S.- Palynological correlation of the eoal seams of Pathakhera Coalfield, Madhya Pradesh, India 239
MATHUR, S.M. & CHHATRI, K.K.-Possible annelid trace fossils in the Lower Proterozoic Bijawar Group of Central India 249
Notes News & Reviews SRIVASTAVA, S.C. & SINGH, PANZY - Jungermannia (Solenostoma) flagellaris Amak in India 252
SRIVASTAVA, S.C. & SRIVASTAVA, ABHA- Morpho-taxonomy of Heleroscyphus argutus (Nees) Schiflin form India 255
SRIVASTAVA, SURESH C. & JHA, NEERJA -A new monosaccate pollen genus from Kamthi Formation of Godavari graben, Andhara Pradesh, India 258
SINGH, AJAY & UPRETI, D.K.- Lichen genus Pleurotheliopsis from the Indian Sub-continent 261
SINGH, S.K. & SRIVASTAVA, O.N.-On a new species of Navicula from Bihar India 264
SRIVASTAVA, G.N., SRIVASTAVA, MADHVI & SINGU,A.K.- Tribonema offine G.W. West- A new record from India 266



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