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Geophytology :

Volume 17, Number 1, July 1987
KUMAR, O. ANIEL, PANDA, R.G., RAJA, RAO, K.G. & RAMANUJAM, C.G.K.- Pollen morphological studies in Capsicum II : Interspecific hybrids, induced tetraploids and desyanptic mutants      1
AWASTHI, U.S.S. & SRIVASTAVA, S.C.- Ptychanthus Nees and Tuzibeanthus Hatt. in India 12
PARADKAR, S.A. & PATKI, S.P.-Trapa mohgaoensis, a new petrified dicotyledonous fruit from Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mohgaonkalan, M. P., India 21
BHATTACHARYYA, A.P. & ROY, S.K.-Palynology of the Lower Gondwana Sediments in Saltora (Chakboga) area of Bankura District, West Bengal, India     28
SINGH, K.J. & CHANDRA, SHAILA- Some new species of Glossopteris from the Kamthi formation of Handapa, Orissa 39
CHANDEL, P.S.- Germination, survival and growth in spineless Solanum khasianum Cl. in response to irradiation 56
UPADHYAY, NIRMALA & TRIVEDI, B.S. -Structure of stomata in monocots 62
BANERJI, JAYASRI- Further contribution to the Mesozoic flora of Kutch, Gujarat 69
SINGH, A. & UPRETI, D.K. -The Lichen genus Pyrenula from Andaman Islands, India 75
OKOLO, M.O. & GILL, L.S.-Pollen morphological studies of the subfamily Caesalpinioideae(Leguminosae) from southern Nigeria 88
TIWARI, R.S. & RAM AWATAR -A palynological assemblage from Parsora Formation, Johilla Coalfield, South Rewa Gondwana Basin, Madhya Pradesh 104
KUMAR, D. -A remarkable Calobryum from India 110
Notes and Reviews PRASAD, MAHESH- Fossil palm wood from the Lower Siwalik beds of Kalagarh, U.P. 114
SINHA, A.K., PANDEY, D.C. & KUMAR, A.- Sem studies on the spore of Riccia ganetica Ahmad, collected from Ganga banks 116
BORKAR, V.D.- Stratigraphic significance of Prototaxoxylon intertrappeum (Prakash & Srivastava) from Man River Section, Dhar District, M. P. 118
BHATTACHARYA, M.- Fungal remains from the Rajpardi Lignite, Broach District, Gujarat 120


Volume 17, Number 2, December 1987
PANT, D.D. -The fossil history and phylogeny of the Cycadales 125
PRANHA, B.N. & MISRA, RAMA-Desmid flora of Sikkim 163
SINHA, G.P.& SINGH, K.P. -Foliicolous lichens from Nagaland, India 174
TRIVEDI, B.S. & A., GARWAL, SHKHA- Seed stucture in some Rhyncosia species (Papilionoideae) 186
VANI MANOHAR , K. & PATEL, R.J. - Study of Volvocales of Gujarat-II : New records of genera Polyblepharides Dang , Furcilla Stokes and Granulochloris Pascher & Jahoda 196
CHANDRA, SAROJ--Developments of male gametophyte in some Scrophulariaceae 199
MEHROTRA, R.C.-- Some new palm fruits from the Deecan Intertrappean beds of Mandla District, Madhya Pradesh 204
RAHA, P.K., RAJENDRAN, C.P. & KAR, R.K.-Record of Early Tertiary deposits in Kerala, India and palaeogeographic significance 209
HUSAIN, T. & PAUL, S.R.-Taxonomy of lxora coccinea L. (Rubiaceae-Pavetteae) in India 219
CHANDRA, V., KUMAR, D. & SRIVASTAVA, S.C.-Calobryales Distribution and phytogeographical discussion 227
MAJUMDAR, P.K. & CHANDRA, A.K.-Studies on the Cyanophyta of certain districts of West Bengal correlated with physico-chemical properties of the soils     233
JHANSI, P. & RAMANUJAM, C.G.K.-Pollen analysis of extracted and squeezed honey of Hyderabad 237
PAL, ARUNA & CHOPRA, SUMAN-Development and structure of seeds in Trewia nudiflora Linn 241
PRASAD, M. & PRAKASH, U.-Occurrence of Malayan Dipterocarps in the Siwalik sediments of Uttar Pradesh 245
TIWARI, R. S. & RAM-AWATAR--Palynostratigraphic studies of sub-surface Supra-Barakar sediments from Korar Coalfield, Son Valley, Madhya Pradesh 256
CHAUHAN, M.P.S.-Seed structure in Pavonia species (Malvaceae) 265
SAXENA, R.K., SINGH, H.P. & RAO, M.R.-Palynology of the Tatrot-Pinjor Sequence exposed between Masol and Kiratpur, Ambala District, Haryana 270
NAMEIRAKPAM, I.S.-Aeromycology of Shillong-II 285
Notes, News & Reviews AWASTHI, N. & PRASAD, M.-Occurence of Duabanga in the Siwalik sediments 292



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