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Geophytology :

Volume 18, Number 1, June 1988
SUKH DEV & RAJANIKANTH, A.-The Gangapur Formation : Fossil flora and stratigraphy      1
KATIYAR, S.R. & CHAUHAN, Y.S.-In vitro germination of Pinus kesiya Royle ex Gord. pollen 28
SHARMA, B.D. & SUTHAR, O.P.-Further observation on the roots of Cylclanthodendron sahnii (Rode) Sahni & Surange 35
BARALE, G., BANERJI, JAYASRI & BALOGE, P.A.-Araucarian cone from Upper Jurassic of Aadrangory, Madagascar 38
MEBRADU, S.-The statigraphy and palynology of Auchi sediments, South-Western Nigeria 41
VENKATACHALA, B.S., BANDE, M.B. & MAHESHWARI, HARI K.-Past of the present 47
DUTTA, S.K., SRIVASTAVA, SURESH C. & GOGOI, D.-Palynology of Permian sediments in Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh 53
MAHAJAN, A.D. & MAHAJAN, NEELIMA -Some Nostocaceae Kuetz. from banana fields of Jalgaon District, Maharashtra 62
UPRETI, D.K. & SINGH, A.-Revision of the lichen genus Pyrenula from Sri-Lanka 67
PRASAD, B.N., SRIVASTAVA, M.N. & KHANNA, P.-Diatoms of Kalimpong, West Bengal, India 78
VAGYANI, B.A. & JAMANE, M.R.-Genus Dictyozamites Oldham from Uppugunduru, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh 87
LILLYAMMA, MATHEW & SHAH, G.L.-Pollen morphology and their taxonomic significance in some Verbenaceae 89
CHANDRA, SAROJ- Development of female gametophyte in some Scrophulariaceae 102
VAGHODEKAR V.H. & PATEL, R.J.-Study of Euglenoids-Colocium Ehr., Khawkinea John et Mckibben, Astasia Ehr. emend Duj. and Manoidium Perty from Gujarat 108
Notes & News JOSHI, A., MATHUR, V.K. & KUMAR, G.-First report of Precambrian microbiota from the Blaini Formation, Mussoorie Area, Lesser Himalaya, Uttar Pradseh 116
TRIPATHI, S.K.M.-Age of the Therria Formation, Meghalaya 121
SRIVASTAVA, SURESH C. & JHA, NEERJA-A Lower-Triassic Palynoassemblage from Budharam area, Godavari Graben, Andhra Pradesh, India 124


Volume 18, Number 2, December 1988
MEHROTRA, R.C.-Fossil wood of Sonneratia from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mandla District, Madhya Pradesh     129
PRASAD, MAHESH-Some more fossil woods from the Lower Siwalik sediments of Kalagarh, Uttar Pradesh, India 135
JEYASINGH, D.E.P.-Some pteridophytic remains from the Sivaganga Formation 145
CHAUDHURI, A. & ROY, S.K.-Leaf morphology, architectural pattern and cuticular features in some Indian members of Boraginaceae 149
PATEL, R.J.-On Oedogonium acrosporam De Bary 158
BAGGHI, G.D. & SRIVASTAVA, G.N.-SEM studies on the sporoderm patterns of some spesies of Nicotiana L. 162
AGARWAL, ANIL-Occurrence of Bouea in the Neyveli Lignite deposits, India 166
DAS, S., KARMAKAR, S.K. & ROY, S.K.-Sporae dispersae from carbonaccous shale in Barjora, Bankura District, India 169
KHANDELWAL, ASHA-Vertical variation of aerospora concentration at Lucknow 173
SUKH-DEV & RAJANIKANTH, A.-The Sivaganga Formation : Fossil flora and stratigraphy 186
AWASTHI, U.S. & SRIVASTAVA, S.C.-Observations on the genus Archilejeunea (Spruce) Schiflin 206
RATHI, S.N. & PATIL, G.V.-Cytochemical analysis of pollen and pollen tubes of Crotolaria juncea (Sunn hemp) 212
Notes & News
BANDE, M.B. & SRIVASTAVA, G.P.-Fossil woods of Guttiferae (Kayea) and Lauraceae from the Tertiary of West Bengal
PAL, P.K. & GHOSH, A.-Platyphyllum bokaroensis sp. nov. from East Bokaro Coalfield, India 219
GUPTA, ASHA-Evidences on the age of Jabalpur Formation Exposed at the confluence of Hard and Sakkar rivers, Narsinghpur District, Madhya Pradesh 221



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