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Geophytology :

Volume 19, Number 2, December 1989
SAXENA, R.K. & BHATTACARYYA, A.P.-Palynological investigation of the Dharmasala sediments in Dharmsala area Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh     109
HUSAIN, TARIQ & PAUL, S.R.-Rare and endemic species of Ixora L (Rubiaceae) in India 117
SRIVASTAVA, GEETA & SRIVASTAVA, S.C.-Present status of Cololejeunea sub genus Coloejeunea India 120
MANOHARACHARY, C., THULASI REDDY, V.R. & PRASAD, U.-Population studies and phenology of fungi in scrub jungle forest soils of Andhra Pradesh, India 131
BERRY, C.M.-Source rock palynology of Subathu sediments of Simla Hills 140
BELHO, V. & CHAUHASN, Y.S.-Effects of growth hormones and gamma radiation on pollen germination and pollen tube growth of Solanum marginatum L f 147
TRIPATHI, C.K.M.- Studies on phytoplankton community structure in relation to organic pollution in the Ganga River 151
HEGDE, B.A. & LUGADE, M.R.-SEM studies on seed morphology in the genus Iphigenia Kunth (Liliaccac) 159
PAL, ARUNA, SINGH, R.P. & KAUR, HARBANS-Morphology, anatomy and spermoderm pattern in some Lens species (Papilionoideac) 162
PANT, GIRIBALA & TEWARI, S.D.-Man made, distributed habitats and their bryophytic associations of Nainital & environs, Western Himalaya 167
SINGH, S.R. & AWASTHI, D.D.-Lichen genus Diplotomma from India and Nepal 173
GULERIA, J.S.- Fossil dicotyledonous woods from Bikaner, Rajasthan, India 182
Notes, News & Reviews
KUMAR, A.-Oil bodies and extension of distributional range of Notoscyphus Mitt. in India
PRASAD, M.- Occurrence of a lauraccous wood in the Siwalika sediments , India 191
GUPTA, H.P. SHARMA, C. & YADAV, R.R.-A new pollen Arcicolpites hirpurensis gen.et sp. nov., from Hirpur Formation (Lower Karewa) Kashmir Valley, India 193
SRIVASTAVA, SURESH, C. & BHATTACHRYYA, A.P.- Lower Permian palynofossils from Subansiri District, Arunchal Pradesh 195
SATYAVATHI, M., RADHAKRISH, M. & NARAYANA, L.L.- A note on the systematic position of Crescentieace 197

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