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Geophytology :

Volume 20, Number 1, June 1990
KAR, R.K.-Two new spore genera from the Mioccnc sediments of north-east India 1
TULSI REDDY, V. R., MANOHARACHARY, C. & UMA DEVI, K.- Studies on fungi and bacteria in relation to physicochemical complexes from three semi arid tropical soils 5
CHANDEL, P.S.-Effects of gamma irradiations on anther microporogencsis on Solanum Nigrum L complex 10
THTTE, A.N. & NAGRAJA, T.G.-Apothecial development in Pseudopeziza rubiae T.S. Rank & K. Rank 17
PAUL, S.R.-New plants from Netrahat Plateau, Bihar-2 21
MANDAOKAR, B.D.-Palynology of Miocene rocks around Maibong, Assam 24
CHAUHAN, M.S. & BERA, S.K.-Pollen morphology of some important plants of tropical deciduous sal forests, District Sidhi Madhya Pradesh 30
SINHA, A.K., PANDEY, D.C., KUMAR, A. & ANUPAMA, (Miss)-Moss flora of the banks of river Ganga beteen Shuklaganj (Unnao) and Kalakankar (Pratapgarh) 37
SINGH, H.P., SAXENA, R.K. & RAO, M.R.-Recycled Permian and Cretaccous palynofossils from the Barail and Surma groups (Oligocene-Early Miocene) in Jaintia hills (Meghalaya) and (Assam), India 41
MAHESHWARI, HARI K. & BAJPAI, USHA-Trace fossils from the Permian Gondwana of Rajmahal Hills 45
PANT, G.-Lichen genera Glyphis, Sarcographa and Sracographina from India 48
HABIB, IQBAL, PANDEY, U.C. & CHATURVEDI, U.K.-Desmids of Bareilly District XIII , U.P. India 54
BARUAH, PARAG KUMAR & DUTTA, S.K.,-Stratigraphical position and depositional environments of coal-bearing sandstone around Laitrengew area, Meghalaya 56
Short Notes
TRIVEDI, G.K.-Reworked Gondwana palynofossils from the Kopili Formation (Late Ecocne) of Jaintia hills, Meghalaya
RAMANUJAM, C.G.K. & KALPANA, T.P.-Pollen within pollen - A strange phenonomenon in melittopalynological studies 69
SAINI, D.G.-New distributional record of Kallstroemia pubesccns (G-Don) Dandy from Upper Gangetic plain 70
SINGH, R.S., PANDYA, NEERU & SUKH DEV-Equisetites sehoraensis sp. nov. from Jabalpur Formation, Madhya Pradesh 72
PANDYA, NEERU, SRIVASTAVA, V.B. & SUKH, DEV-A new conifer fossil from Vemavaram (Early Cretaceous), Andhra Pradesh, India 74
JAIN, K.P., GARG, R. & ATEEQUZZAMAN, KHOWAJA-Hystrichokolpoma indicum khanna & singh 1981 a junior homonym of Hystrichokolpama indicum Salujha & kindra 1981 75

Volume 20, Number 2, December 1990
SRIVASTAVA, A.K. & CHANDRA, SHAILA-Report of possible lyeopod axes in the Lower Gondwana beds of India. 77
TIWARI, R.S. & RAM-AWATAR-Observation on the pollen genus Trabeculosporites Trivedi & Misra 1970, from Nidpur beds, Sidhi District, Madhya Pradesh 80
SRIVASTAVA, SURESH C. & JHA, NEERJA-Permian palynostratigraphy in Ramkrishnapuram area , Godavari Graben, Andhra Pradesh, India. 83
SHARMA, B.D.-The ocehreole in Equisetum ramosissimum Desf 96
SRIVASTAVA, D.K., MISHRA, V.P. & SRIVASTAVA, M.C.-Echinolampas jigniensis, a new species of cassiduloid echinoid from the Eocene rocks of Jammu Himalaya.     98
GUPTA, HARI PAL & SHARMA, CHHAYA-Vegetational history and palaeoenvironment of Ningle Nullah, Lower Karewa, Kashmir 103
PRABHAKAR, M.-Palynology of Upper Gondwana deposite of Kattarala, Pranhita-Godavari Basin, Andhra Pradesh. 106
CHANDEL, P.S.-Expansion of cotyledons and seedling survival in Solanum nigrum L. complex in response to gamma irradiation. 110
RATHI, S.N. & PATIL, G.V.- Cytochemistry of anther development in Cicer arietium L. and Arachis hypogea L. 115
RAMANUJAM, C.G.K., FATIMA, KHATIJA & KALPANA, T.P.-Significance of Borasus flabellifer L. pollen in apiary honeys of Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh. 119
GHOSH, AJOY KUMAR & ROY, S.K.-Studies on leaf architectural pattern and cuticular features of some members of Papilionaceae 124
PADMA RAO, R. & RAMAYYA, N.-Structure and development of uniseriate filiform collared peltate hair in Clerodendrum L. 144
AWASTHI, N. & SRIVASTAVA, RASHMI-Additions to the Neogene flora of Kerala Coast, India. 148
SAHAY, A.P., DAS, P.K. & VERMA, B.N.-Studies on the algal flora of Nepal L. Chlorophyceae. 155
Notes, Reports, News SRIVASTAVA, SURESH C. & BHATTACHARYYA, A.P.- Palynology of Permian sediments from Sikkim 159
SRIVASTAVA, SURESH C. & JHA, NEERJA-Palynological dating of coal seams in Amavaram area, Khammam District, A. P., India 161
DONGRE, MEENA M.-Leaf architecture and ion uptake in relation to salt tolerance capacity of Clerodendrum inerme Gaertn 162
SINHA, G.P. & SINGH, K.P.-A new species of Phyllobathelium (lichens) from Arunachal Pradesh 164
DAVE, YASH & Vinoth THOMAS, VINOTH-Occurence of collecters in Carica papaya L. (Caricaceae) 166
SINGH, H.P., JAIN, K.P., MAHESHWARI, H.K. & AWASTHI, N.-Professor Birbal Shani Birth Centenary Celebrations-A report 168



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