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Geophytology :

Volume 21, Issued : December 1991
TEWARI, RAJNI & MAHESHWARI, HARI K.-Megaspores from Early Permian of India 1
TIWARI, R.S., VIJAYA & MEENA, K.L.-Palynological sequence and relationship of subsurface Permian-Triassic sediments in eastern Raniganj Coalfeild , West Bengal, India 21
KAR, R.K.-Occurrence of Acrostichum spores from the Langpar Formation, Early Palaeocene of Meghalaya, India 33
SAXENA, R.K. & KHARE, SANJAY-Fungal remains from the Neyveli Formation of Tiruchirapalli District, Tamil Nadu, India 37
KAR, R.K.& AMBWANI, K.-Light-Microscopy and SEM studies of Striatriletes and Malayaeaspora from India and Malaysia 45
LAKHANPAL, R.N. & AWASTHI, N.-New species of Fissistigma and Terminalia From the Siwalik & sediments of Balugoloa, Himachal Pradesh 49
AWASTHI, N. & SRIVASTAVA, RASHMI-Fossil leaves and a fruit from Warkalli beds Kerala Coast, India 53
MADAN MOHAN-Quantitative stratigraphy and geohistory analysis 59
KUMAR, ARUN-Palynological study of the sediments across the K/T boundary in Texas, U.S.A. 83
SRIVASTAVA, S.K., CHATTERJEE, S. & WADHWANI, K.-Occurrence of Fungi in Trilobium confusum invested flour 99
WADHWANI, K., CHATTERJEE, S. & SRIVASTAVA, S.K.-Production Of chitinase by some aquatic fungi 103
CHATTERJEE, S., WADHWANI, K. & SRIVASTAVA, S.K.-Ecology of lower fungi in litter decomposition in aquatic habitat 105
KURIACHEN, P.M., DAVE, YASH, THOMAS, VINOTH & SEBASTIAN, MCREMOL-SEM studies on seed surface of some Ascllepiadaceae with taxonomic Significance 109
FAROOQUI, ANJUM, SRIVASTAVA, KANTI & FAROOQUI, SUHAIL A.-A vegetational survey of some mineral exploration areas in Lalitpur, Uttar Pradesh, India 113
SINGH, AJAY & DHAWAN, SHASHI-Interesting observations on stone weathering of an Indian monument by lichens 119
KUSUM BHARADWAJ-Calcium sulphit Crystals in plants 125
SINHA, A.K., SRIVASTAVA, AJIT K. & KUMAR, ANIL-Flora of Rae Bareli-II. Aquatic and marshy land plants 133
NATH, VIRENDRA, ASTHANA, A.K.,-Addition to the Bryoflora of Western Himalaya : Frullania neurota Taylor 139
DWIVEDI, ANITA, SINGH, R.P., PALIWAL, G.S.-Floral biology and seed development in lrosopis julifkora (Sw.) DC. 143
RAMANUJAM, C.G.K. & FATIMA, KHATIJA-Summer pollen sources to “Apis dorsata” honey bees in deciduous forest of Mahboobnagar District, Andhra Pradash 155
MALLA, R.M. & KULKARNI, A.R.-Cultivation Scilla hyacinthiana (Roth.) Macb., auscillaren yielding wild source 163
PANT, GRIBALA-The threatened tufaceous site of Sahasradhara, Dehra dun, U.P. 171
GUPTA, H.P. & YADAV, R.R.-Interplay between pollen rain and vegetation of Tarai Bhabar in Kumaon Division, U.P., India 183
CHAUHAN, M.S., KHANDELWAL, ASHA, BERA, S.K.& GUPTA, H.P.-Palynology of Kathauta Tal, Chinhat, Lucknow 191
GUPTA, H.P., BHATTACHARYA, A.P. & KHANDELWAL, ASHA-Yellow rain in Luchnow 195
KHANDELWAL, ASHA-Aeromycological survey at Lucknow 199
KHAN, HAFIZ AHMAD-Palynotaxonomy and phylogeny of Ranunculaceae 207
SAXENA, R.K.-Hypoxylonites Elsik 1990, a correct name for Hypoxylonsporites Kumar 1990 and its Indian records 211
NAGARAJA, T.G. & THITE, A.N.-Devolopment of uredia and telia of the Ravenelia kirganelliae Mund. & Thrium 213



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