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Geophytology :

Volume 23, Number 1, Issued : November 1993
VENKATACHALA, B.S.-The earliest Biosphere-Past of the terrestrial flora 1
TIWARI, VINOD C.-Precambrian and lower Cambrian stromatolites of the Lesser Himalaya, India 19
RUFFLE, LUDWIG-Morphologische Konvergenzen (Parallelismus) beieinigen Taxa rezenter unifossiler Pflanzen, besonders bei Bennettitales und Laurales 41
MAI, DIETER H.-On the extinct Mastixiaceae (Cornales) in Europe 53
BAJPAI, USHA-New fern-like follage from the Lower Permian of Hura Coalfield, Rajmahal Basin 65
BENERJI, JAYASRI-Plant fossil from Chunakhal, Rajmahal Hills, Bihar 71
AWASTHI, N. & MEHROTRA, R.C.-Further contribution to the Neogene flora of northeast India and significance of the occurrence of African element 81
SRIVASTAVA, SURESH C. & JHA, NEERJA-Palynostratigraphy of Lower Gondwana sediments in Chintalpudi sub-basin Godavari Graben, Andhra Pradesh 93
TRIPATHI, ARCHANA-Palynosequence in subsurface Permian sediments in Talcher Coalfeild, Orissa, India 99
RAM-AWATAR-Palynological dating of subsurface sequence of Middle Pali Member, Sohagpur Coalfield, M.P., India 107
ANAND-PRAKASH & SARATE, O.S.-Nature, composition and rank of Lower Gondwana Coals from Pathakhera Coalfield, Satpura Graben 115
ATEEQUZZAMAN, KHOWAJA-Some new dinoflagellate cyst taxa from Dalmiapuram Formation, Cauvery Basin, southern India 131
KAR, R.K.-Developments of some pteridophytes in India during Tertiary 137
KHANDELWAL, ASHA & GUPTA, H.P.-Palynological evidence of mangrove degradation during mid-late Holocene at Rambha, Chilka Lake, Orissa 141
CHAUHAN, M.S. & SHARMA, CHHAYA-Modern Pollen deposition in subtropical zone of Kumaon Himalaya, India 147
GUPTA, ASHA & SHARMA, CHHAYA-Recent pollen spectra from Nachiketa Tal, Garhwal Himalaya 155
BONARDI, M.& MARABINI, F.-Environmental evolution in the Lagoon of Venice (Italy) 159
YADAV, R.R. & KARPAVICHUS, J.-Tree ring evidences of Little Ice Age from the northern Russian forest borders 167
AMBWANI, K. & KUMAR, MADHAV-Pollen morphology and aperture evolution in Agave Linn. 171
HABIB, IQBAL-Contributions to the desmids of Rohilkhand Division, U.P., India 177
SAHAY, A.P., DAS, P.K.& VERMA, B.N.-Studies on the algal flora of Nepal-II : Cyanophyceae and Euglenophyceae 181
SINHA, G.P. & SINGH, K.P.-Lichns new to Indian flora-III 185
SINGH, S.R., SINGH, A.S. & SINGH, N.I.-Recuperation of fungi from Sclerotia of broad bean wilt pathogen, Sclerotium rolfsii, in kitchen garden soil of Imphal, Manipur 187
SELMEIER, ALFRED-Silicified woods from southeern Germany (Bavaria) 189
SAXENA, R.K.-New names for some palynofossil later homonyms from India 195


Volume 23, Number 2, Issued : July 1994
SARATE, O.S. & PATIL, G.V.-Palynostratigraphy of the Bijori seddiments, Satpura Basin, India 197
KUMAR, MADHAV -Palynological and palaeoecological studies of Palaeocene coal seams in Jarain and Laitrymbai areas,Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya, India 203
MANDAL, J., CHANDRA, A. & KAR, R.K.-Palynofossils from the Kadamtala coal, Middla Andaman, India 209
BANERJEE, SUBHRA & NADI, BHARATI-Palynology of the Middle Bhuban Formation near Kolasib, northern Mizoram. India 215
YADAV, R.R., CHANDRA, ANIL & GUPTA, H.P.-Palynological investigation of the Arabian Sea bottom surface sediments along the western coasts of India 221
CHANCHALA-Harappan Plant economy in the Rann of Kutch,Gujarat 227
BERA, S.K.-Pollen dispersal and sedimentation in tropical sal forest of Madhya Pradesh 235
RAMANUJAM, C.G.K. & NAYAR, JYOTHI-Comparative study of the aerospora of an urban complex in Hyderabad over a ten year Period and its significance 243
RAMANUJAM, C.G.K. & KALPANA, T.P.-Summer pollen sources for honey bees in the coastal belt of East Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh 249
PANT, GIRIBALA, TIWARI, SHIV DATT & JOSHI, SAURAV-Vanishing greenery in Kumaon Himalaya:Observations on bryoflora 253
AGARWAL, VIJAYLUXMI & PAUL, S.R.-Phytogeography of Ranchi, Bihar 259
KAUR, HARBANS, SINGH, R.P.& PAL, ARUNA-Morphology and spermoderm pattern in some varieties of Lupinus species 265
CHANDEL, P.S.-Effecs of gamma rays on ovary ,ovule, megasporogenesis and megagamentogenesis on Solanum nigrum L.complex 273
GUPTA, RAJENDRA KUMAR & SRIVASTAVA, ONKAR NATH-Euglennoids of Ranchi, Bihar, India 277
ASTHANA, A.K., NATH, VIRENDRA & KUMAR, ADARSH-Studies on a rare Indian liverwort Schiffneria hyalina Steph 279
TIWARI, R.S. & VIJAYA-Initiation of eusaccatism in Late Permain : A Key to the origin of true saccus in modern gymnosperms 285
KAR, R.K., MANDAL, J., SARKAR, SAMIR & KUMAR, MADHAV-Pilatrisyncolpites triangulatus gen.et sp. nov. from the Oligocene of Upper Assam, India 287
AWASTHI, N., MEHROTRA, R.C. & BATACHARYYA, A.-Fossil wood of Cynometra from the Neogene of Tripura, India, 291
NAGARAJ, T.G. & THITE, A.N.-Developments of pycnium and aecium of the rust Ravenelia kirganelliae Mund. & Thirum 295
N. Krishna Rao & C. Manoharachary-Forest litter hyphomycetes from Andhra Pradesh, India V. new species of Monodictys Hughes 299
YASHODHARA, K., RAJA SHANMUKHA RAO, S.-Rare occurrence of papilate epidermic and its diagnostic value in Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl (Verbenaceae) 301



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