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Geophytology :

Volume 24, Number 1 Issued : December 1994
LYONS, PAUL C. & MOREY, ELASIE DARRAH-Birbal Sahni : His North American palaeobotanical connection with William Culp Darrah 1
DENG, SHENGHUI-Dracopteris liaoningensis gen. et. sp. nov., a new Early Cretaceous fern from Northeast China 13
JAFAR, S.A. & LATE, RAI, J.-Late Middle Eocene (Bartonian) calcareous nannofossils and its bearing on coeval Post trappean transgressive event in Kutch basin, Western India 23
JEYASINGH, D.E.P. & KUMARASAMY, D.-Araucarioxylon from the Sriperumbudur Formation, Upper Gondwana, Tamil Nadu, India 43
SINGH, H.P. & SARKAR, SAMIR-Palynostratigraphy of the Kasauli Formation (Lower Miocene), Himachal Pradesh, India 49
GULERIA, J.S.-Fossil Leaf of Terminalia from the Rajpardi Lignite Mine, district Bharuch, Gujarat, India 55
ARYA, RITESH & AWASTHI, N.-A new species of Bauhinia from the Kasauli Formation (Lower Miocene), Kasauli, Himachal Pradesh 59
SRIVASTAVA, S.C., SRIVASTAVA, ANSHU & DIXIT, RENU-Epiphytic liverworts on tea-plantation in Darjeeling 63
SAINI, D.C.-New record for flora of Gorakhpur district, U.P. 73
SAHNI, KANAK, SINGH, R.P. & PAL, A.-Anatomy and surface characteristics of seeds of Verbascum species (Scrophulariaceae) 93
DWIVEDI, ANITA-Seeds Development in Trewia nudiflora Linn 101
CHAUHAN, M.P.S.& SINGH, R.P.-Structure of seed in Hoheria glabrata Sprague et. Summ. (Malvaceae) 107
SHIMPI, S.N.& SHETE, R.H.-Venation pattern in some Indian species of Grewia Linn 109
RAMANUJAM, C.G.K.-Sesamum indicum L., an important source of nectar and pollen for Rock bees (Apis dorsala T.) in Ranga Reddy District, A.P. 115
RAMANUJAM, C.G.K.-Forage sources of Rock bees during May to July in deciduous forests of Ranga Reddy District, A.P. 119
KOHLI, DEEPAK, PANDEY, P.S., GUPTA, H.P. & KHANDELWAL, ASHA-Algal flora and Water Pollution of Samaspur lake, Rae Bareli, U. P. 123
Book Review 129


Volume 24, Number 2, 1994, Issued: June 1995
BLANKA PACLTOVA-History of scientific cooperation between Indian and Czech 129
SRIVASTAVA RASHMI & BANDE M.B.-Grewia-type of fossil woods from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of India 131
SRIVASTAVA, S.C. & SRIVASTAVA, ANSHU-Speceis of Scapania from Lilam in Kumaon (Western Himalayas), Uttar Pradesh, India 137
ANNA MANI, B. & PRABHAKAR, M.-Foliar architecture of Passiflorales occurring at Visakhapatnam 147
JOSHI, D.Y.-On the collection of bryophytes from south-West India 155
KOHLI, DEEPAK, PANDEY, P.S. & GUPTA, H.P.-Floristic composition and phytosociological studies of Samaspur wetland, Rae Bareli, U.P. 159
CHANCHALA-Some seeds and fruit remains from Kausambi, District Allahabad, U.P. (Ca 600 B.C.-450 B.C.) 169
SHARANGPANI, P.R. & SHIRKE, D.R.-Cytophotometric quantification of metabolites in anther of Cassia auriculata Linn 173
DEY, KRISHNA CHANDRA & ROY, S.K.-External morphology of some seeds of Euphorbiaceae and their taxonomic significance 177
KUMAR, DINESH, SRIVASTAV, PRATIMA & MANOCHA, NAVITA-Studies on the regenaration in Riccia billardieri Mont., et. Nees and Cyathodium aureonitens (Griff.) Mitt 187
CHATTERJEE, SHANTANU, SINHA, G.P. & SINGH, *AJAY-Some new records of lichenized fungi from India-1 199
BANERJI, JAYASRI-Megafloral assembleges from two new localities of Rajmahal Formation 205
SHARMA, C.P., PANDEY, NALINI & GUPTA, MOHINI-Leaf Micromorphology of Zinc Deficient Field Bean 209
JABEEN, FERZANA, PRABHAKAR, M.& LEELAVATHI, P.-Crystalliferous cells in leaf epidermis of Malvales in relation to Taxonomy 213
PRAKASH, NEERU& *Sukh-Dev-Fossil Flora of Athgarh Formation, Orissa, India 219
SAXENA, R.K.-Sindhudurg Formation - a new lithostratigraphic unit in Konkan area of Maharashtra 229
RAO, M.R.-Fungal remains from Tertiary sediments of Kerala Basin, India 233
KUMAR, PRAMOD-Palynofossils from Pachmarhi Formation, Satpura Basin, Madhya Pradesh 237
ANTAL, J.S.& PRASAD, MAHESH-Fossil leaf of Clinogyne Salisb. from the Siwalik sediments of Darjeeling District, West Bengal 241
BHARADWAJ, D.C.(1923-1995)

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