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Geophytology :

Volume 25, Number 1 & 2, Issued : June 1996
RAMANUJAM, C.G.K.-Teriary floristic complexes of southern India - A Critical appraisal 1
WADHWANI, K., SRIVASTAVA, S.K. & CHATERJEE, S.-Effect of Melanospora sp. on vigour index of maize seeds and biodeterioration of floral Style 15
PATRA, B.P. & SAHOOL, N.K -A reappraisal of geology and paleobatany of the Athgarh Sandstone, Orrisa, India 17
VERMA, D.C., MEHROTRA, R.K. &MISHRA, P.K.-Studies on diatoms of river Gomti at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 27
TIWARI, RAJNI & SRIVATAVA, A.K.-Plant fossils from the Barakar Formation, Jharia Coalfield, Bihar 35
BANARJEE, JASREE-Early Cretaceous Megaflora from Murlipahar, Rajmahal Basin, India 41
KUMAR, PRAMOD-Permo-Triassic Palynofossils and Depostional Enviorenment in Satpura Basin, Madhya Pradesh 47
TIWARI, RASHMI & MISHRA, J.K.-Indoor aeromycoflora of saw mills in lucknow 55
ASHA -Stomatal complex in some indian species of Pandanacae with special reference to Paplile 59
SRIVASTAVA, A K., CHANDRA, SHAILA & SINGH, K.J.-Trace fossils from Talchir Formation of Talchir coalfield Orissa 63
JHA, NEERJA-Some new Pollen grains from Late Permian sediments of Godavari Graben and their straitigraphic significance 67
MANDAL, J., CHANDRA, A.& KAR, R.K.-Palynological findings from the mud volcnaoes of Baratang Island ( Andaman and Nicobar Island ), India 77
CHATERJEE, SHANTANU, SINHA, G.P. & SINGH, AJAY-Lichens from some monuments in Karnataka and Orrissa, India 83
SRIVASTAVA, S.C.& DIXIT, RENU-Species of Plagiochilla (Dum.) Dum. (Plagiochilaceae) from Lilam in Kumaon Western Himalyas, India 91
RAMANUJAM, C.G.K., RAMA RAO, M. & PATIL-Remains of Azollaceae from Late Arbian of Cauvery basin and their evolutionary significance 105
AWASTHI, N., MEHROTRA, R.C. & SRIVASTAVA, RASHMI-Fossil woods from the Decan Interrappean beds of Madhya Pradesh 113
VIJAY, SRIVASTAVA, A.K & KEGIN, SUN-Origin of the Gondwana flora 119
KALPANA, T.P. & RAMANUJAM, C.G.K.-Pollen source for apiaries during honey flow period in Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh 125
SRIVASTAVA, SURESH C. & JHA, NEERJA-Palynology of subsurface Permian sediments in Koyagudem Area, Godavari Graben, Andhra Pradesh 131
SRIVASTAVA, GOPAL KRISHAN & WAGAL, SAMUEL OTLENO-Scales and phyllopodia of some Indian species of Isoetes L. 137
PANDEY, N., GUPTA, M. & SHARMA, C.P.-Ultrastructural changes in the pollen grains of green gram subjected to copper deficiency 147
TIWARI, R.S., TRIPATHI, ARCHANA & NANDHAGOPAL, R.-Computer Aided Program - “DCB” for retrieval of references 151
RAO, M.R.-An Early Miocene palynofloral assemblage from Turavur bore-hole, Alleppey District, Kerala its palaeoecological and stratigraphical significance 155
SAXENA, R.K. & BHATTACHARYYA, A.P.-Dharmsalasporis, a new spore genus from the Dharmsala Group of Kangra District, Himachal Pradesh 165
RAMANUJAM, C.G.K. & KALPANA, T.P.-Cereus hexagonus Mill. of Caetaceae-major sourceof pollen for honey bees 167
Professor Shrish Chandra Agarwala - (1919-95)



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