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Geophytology :

Volume 26, Number 1, 1996
SRIVASTAVA, SHYAM C. & MANIK, S.R.-Reconsideration of Savitrispermum from Triassic of Gondwanas 1
SHARMA, B.K. & HABIB, IQBAL-Irrigational impact of Rubber Factory effluent on elemental bioaccumulation and metabolite concentration in component parts of Pisum sativam var. auricle 13
SAXENA, R.K., TRIPATHI, S.K.M. & PRASAD, VANDANA-Palynofloral investigation of the Tura Formation (Palaeocene) in Nongwal Birbal area, Fast Garo Hills, Meghalaya 19
RAM-AWATAR-Palynological succession through Gondwana sediments in South Rewa Basin, Madhya Pradesh, India 33
KHANDELWAL, ASHA, CHATTERJEE, SHANTANU & PRASAD, RAJENDRA-Significance of fungi in the house dust of asthmatic patients in Lucknow 39
SAXENA, R.K.& RAO, M.R. -Palynological investigation of the Boldamgiri Formation ( Early Miocene) in type area, Garo Hills, Meghalaya 43
AWASTHI, N., MEHROTRA, R.C. & KHARE, E.G.-A borassoid palm root from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Wardha District, Maharashtra with critical remarks on fossil roots of Eichhornia 57
KRISHNA, JAI, PATHAK, D.B. & PANDAY, B.-Ammonoid age control in the Mesozoic succession of Wagad outside the Mainland Kachchh 63
SINGH, KAMAL JEET & CHANDRA, SHAILA-Plant fossil from the exposure near Gopal Prasad Village, Talchir Coalfield, Orissa with remarks on the age of the bed 69
ANAND-PRAKASH, SRIVASTAVA, G.P. & KAR, RATAN-Imprints of Neotectonic Activity in Mahuadanr Valley, Palamu, Bihar 77
SRIVASTAVA, A.K.& TIWARI, RAJNI-Plant fossil from the Barakar Formation, Auranga Coalfield, Bihar 83
SRIVASTAVA, RASHMI & AWASTHI, N.-Fossil woods from Neogene of Warkalli beds of Kerala Coast and their palaeoecological significance 89
BERA, S.K., GUPTA, H.P. & FAROOQUI-Berijam Lake:20,000 years sequence of palaeofloristics and palaeoenvironment in Palni Hills, South India 99
KHAN, H.A.-Tree flora and plant associations of Silent Valley, Kerala 105
TRIPATHI, ARCHANA-Early and Late Triassic Palynoassemblages from subsurface Supra-Barakar sequence in Talcher Coalfield, Orissa, India 109
KUMAR, ARUNA-Palynology and palynofacies of Recent marine sediments of the western flank of the Andaman Islands, Bay of Bengal 119
ANTAL, J.S.& PRASAD, M.-Leaf-impressions of Polyalthia Bl. in the Siwalik sediments of Darjeeling District, West Bengal, India 125
SAXENA, R.K.& KHARE, SANJAY-Gemmatripopollis, a new pollen genus from Neyveli Lignite Mines and Jayamkondacholapuram Well-12 in Tamil Nadu, India 129
RAMANUJAM, C.G.K-When did Ctenolophonidites disappear from india? 133


Volume 26, Number 2 Issued : March 1998
On the morphological nature of the cupules of some Upper Devonian/Lower Carboniferous seed plants 1
VIBHUTI, RAI & GAUTAM, RAJITA-New occurence of carbonaceous megafossils from the Meso to Neoproterozoic horizons of the Vindhyan Supergroup, Kaimur-Katni areas, Madhya Pradesh, India 13
GULERIA, J.S., SAINI, D.C., SEKAR, B., BERA, S.K. & KUMAR, MADHAV-A preliminary study of indicator plants of copper and manganese occurring in the ore rich areas of Balaghat District, Madhya Pradesh, India 27
CHANDRA, ANIL & SAXENA, R.K.-Lithostratigraphy of Car Nicobar Island, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India 33
TRIPATHI, C.K.M. & AGARWAL, S.C.-Metabolic characterization of toxigenic fungal strains isolated from post-harvest crops 39
CHATURVEDI, SHONALI-Micromorphology and vegetative anatomy of Taxodiaceae L. 43
VIJAYA-Early Permian palynoassemblage from Ajay River Section, Damodar Basin, India 57
TIWARI, R.S.-Functional morphography of some palynomorphs from Permo-Triassic transition in India and its bearing on palaeoclimate 65
SRIVASTAVA, SURESH C. & BHATTACHARYYA, A.P.-Early Permian microfossils in faunal Coal Balls from Arunachal Pradesh, India- Phytogeographic and Palaeoenvironmental significance 75
GARG, ARTI -Ageratum conyzoides L. an important Bee Forage plant in Kumaon Region, Uttar Pradesh 83
BHATTACHARYYA, GOUTAM-Phytosociological analysis of weed communities in Saurashtra 89
SRIVASTAVA, A.K.& G.P. SRIVASTAVA-Insect gall impression analysis of weed communities in Saurashtra 95
MEHROTRA, R.C. & MANDAOKAR, B.D.-Fossil wood resembling Duabanga from Tipam Sandstone of Makum Coalfield, Assam 99
PAL, PANKAJ K. & GHOSH, AMIT K.-Late Early Triassis mioflora from the Panchet Formation of East Bokaro Coalfield, India 103




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