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Geophytology :

GUPTA, H.P. - History of fossil Leguminosae in India      1
RAI, J.N., SHARMA, B.B. & AGARAWAL, S. C.- Studies on the survival of certain fungi in Indian alkaline soils 10
NAIR, L.J. & MAHABALE, T.S. -Mycorrhiza in Ophioglossaceae: 1.Morphology of endophytes in vivo 16
VERMA, B.K.-Ontogeny of stomata in leaves of Rumex dentatus Linn 24
SHARMA, B.B. & AWASTHI, D.D.- On the androecium of Canna indica L. 30
SRIVASTAVA, S. C. & UDAR, RAM - Sporeling development in Fossombronia kashyapii Srivastava & Udar. 33
AWASTHI, DHARNI DHAR & SINGH, KRISHNA PAL - Three new taxa of lichens from Palni Hills, India 39
VISHNU-MITTRE - Twenty-five year progress in the history of biological science in India. 43
MISHRA, R.C. & BHATTACHARYA, A.R.- Primary sedimentary structures and their significance in the sedimentary belt of the northern Kumaon Himalaya in the Sarju-Pungar Valley areas 51
SINGH, INDIRA BIR -Mineralogical studies of Gondwana sediments from Kobra Coalfied, Madhya Pradesh, India. Part IV--Study of heavy minerals     61
KAR, R.K. & JAIN, K.P.-- Libya --a probable part of Gondwanaland 72
BHARADWAJ, D.C.--A classification for sporae dispersae 81
RAO, A.R. & ACHUTHAN, VIMLA -- Two Bennettitalean fructifications from the Jurassic of Rajmahal Hills, Bihar, India 92
PARADKAR, S. A.--On a new monocot axis with pathogenic fungi from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of India 94
SINGH, RAM YASH - Morphological study of the Retialetes complex from Indian Tertiaries 98
LAL, S.B.- Bone Fluorine as a measure of Archaeological antiquity 105
Notes News & Reviews
AWASTHI, DHARNI DHAR & SINGH KRISHNA PAL --Additions to the lichen flora of India--III
SUBBA RAMAIH, K.V. & RAMANA RAO, N.--Palaeotopography of Kotha gudem Coalfied 113
The Scond Colloquium on Palaeobotany and Palynology in Mexico 115
Volume 5, Number 2, December 1975
MEYEN, S.V. -Comparison of the Late Palacozoic saccate miospore assemblages of Angaraland and the Indian part of Gondwanaland   117
JAIN, K.P. & MILLEPIED, P. -Cretaceous microplankton from Senegal Basin, W. Africa, Pt. II Systematics and Biostratigraphy 126
LAKHANPAL, R.N., GULERIA, J.S. & AWASTHI, N.-A podocarpaceoud wood from the Pliocene of Kutch 172
AWASTHI, D.D.- Lichen flora of Pindari Glacier Valley, India 178
SINGH, I.B. & RASTOGI, S.P. -Some less common sedimentary structures from the point bar and natural levee deposits of Gomati River Uttar Pradesh, India 186
JAIN, S.P.- Ostracoda from the Bagh Beds (Upper Cretaceous ) of Madhya Pradesh 188
SOODAN, K.S. - Revision of fossil Holothuroidea family Pricopedatidae Frizzel and Exline, 1955 and some new genera from Kutch, India 213
Notes, News & Reviews SHAH, M.A. & BABU, S.K. - A note on the colour of Vindhyan orthoquartzite of Rahatgarh near Sagar, M.P. 225
BHARADWAJ, D.C.-Validation of some new combinatios under Folioceros Bharadwaj 227
LAKAHANPAL, R.N., PRAKASH, U. & BANDE, M. B.- An angiospermous infloresence from the Deccan Intertrappean Series of India 229
TIWARI, R.S.-The First Indian Geophytological Conference 231



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