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Geophytology :

Volume 6, Number 1, July 1976
MISRA, R.C.- Role of plants and micro-organisms in formation of rocks and mineral deposite of economic importance      1
SITHOLEY, R.V.- Plants represented in ancient Indian sculpture    15
SINGH, K.P. & SINGH, S.R.- Enumeration of macrolichens from Nilgiri Hills, India 27
UDAR, RAM & KUMAR, DINESH - Genus Cephalozia in Eastern Himalayas 35
SINGH, INDRA BIR- Mineralogical studies of Gondwana sediments from Kobra Coalfield, Madhya Pradesh, India. Part V--Mineralogy of silt fraction, coarse fraction study, and petrography 46
SHARMA, B.B. -The bilocular ovary of Kigelia 63
DUTTA, S.K. -Tertiary palaeogeography of north-eastern India 65
BHATIA, S.B. & MANNIKERI, M.S. - Some Charophyta from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds near Nagpur, Central India. 75
PRASAD, BRAJ NANDAN & ASTHANA, DEEP KUMAR- On genus Chlorotylium Kutzing-a new addition to the Indian flora 82
GHOSH, ARABINDA- Genesis of overgrowth in feldspar detritus in Lameta sandstone around Umrer, Nagpur District, Maharashtra-A case study 87
TRIVEDI, B.S. & UPADHYAY, N. - Ontogeny of stomata of some members of Apocynaceae 92
RAO, K.P. & RAMANUJAM, C.G.K.-A further record of microthyriaceous fungi from the Neogene deposite of Kerela in South India 98
UDAR, RAM & NATH, VIRENDRA- A new species of Cephaloziella Spruce, C. magna Udar et Nath, sp. nov., from Sheetalkhet, Almora ( Western Himalayas), India 105
LAL, S.B.- Bone fluorine and early man in north-western India 108
THANIKAIMONI, G. -Palynological literature in French 112
KAJALE, M.D., BADAM, G.L. & RAJAGURU, S.N.- Late Quaternary history of the Ghod Valley, Mahrashtra 122
MEHROTRA, P.C., PAL, A.K., BHATT, D.K. & ALI, K.N.--Discovery of fossil algae from the Singtali limestone and its bearing on the tectonic set up of the Gharwal Nappe 133
Notes, News & Reviews
SINHA, A.K. -Amylase and invertase activity in healthy and ‘green-ear’ infected bajra tissues
VOLUME 6, Number 2, December 1976
BHARADWAJ, D.C.- Palaeogeography of India during Gondwana times and its bearing on the climate 153
LASKAR, B. & MITRA, N.D.- Palaeoclimatic vissitudes in india during Lower Gondwana sedimentation 162
DUTTA, P.K. - Climate during Upper Gondwana sedimentation in Peninsular India 170
SINGH, INDRA BIR - Mineralogical evidences for climatic vicissitudes in India during Gondwana times 174
SHAH, S.C.- Climates during Gondwana era in Peninsular India : Faunal evidences 186
LELE, K. M.-Palecoclimatic implications of Gondwana floras 207
LELE, K.M.- Miofloristic evidence for climatic vicissitudes in India during Gondwana 230
CHATTERJEE, C., AGARWALA, S.C. & SHARMA, P.N. -Micronutrient status of principal soil types of Uttar Pradesh
HUNSINGI, G. & SRIVASTAVA, S.C.-A critical review on the validity of chemical extractants for soil potassium with special reference to sugarcane as test crop. 259
AGARWAL, M.P. & SRIVASTAVA, S.C.- Sugarbeet growth on a moderately phosphorus deficient soil   264
SHARMA, C.P. & SHARMA, P. N. - Comparative growth and zinc uptake of some high yielding varieties of wheat in Tarai soils of Uttar Pradesh with and without zinc amendment 267
BRAR, M.S. & SEKHON, G.S. - Effect of applied zinc and mangenese on the growth of rice. I. Under flooded and non-flooded conditions 272
BRAR, M.S. & SEKHON, G.S.- Effect of applied zinc and mangenese on the growth of rice. 11. At different stages of growth 277
MEHROTRA, S.C., MEHROTRA, N.K. BISHT, S.S. & SHARMA, C.P.- Resolution of iron chlorosis 282
BISHT, S.S., SHARMA, C.P. & KUMAR, A.- Plant response to excess concentrations of heavy metals 296
SINGH, T.N. & SINGH, O.P.- Tolerance of dwarf rice varieties to high pH and exchangeable sodium 308
CHAUDHRY, M.R., BAJWA, M.S. & SINGH, K.- Effect of gypsum application on growth and boron uptake by plants grown on sodic soil 315
AGARWALA, S.C., MEHROTRA , N.K. & SINHA, B.K. -Resolution of nutritional factors affecting crop productivity in usar soils of Uttar Pradesh. 323
SRIVASTAVA, S.C. & TANDON, D.K.- Translocation of Fe59 in sugarcane plants grown under high lime soils 338
AGARWALA, S.C., SINHA, B.K., CHATTERJEE, C. & SHARMA, C.P. - Dependance of iron utilization by rice on nitrogen source in the growth medium 341
BANSAL, R.L. & SEKHON, G.S.- Critical concentrations of zinc in wheat 350
AGARWALA, S.C. & SHARMA, C.P.- Pot sand culture technique for the study of mineral nutrient element deficiencies under Indian conditions 356



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