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Geophytology :

Volume 7, Number 1, July 1977
ROWLEY, JHON, R. & PRIJANTO, BOTJAH - Selective destructions of the exine of pollen grains       1
MAITHY, P. K. -A new species of Zalesskioxylon from the Glossopteris bearing beds of Zambesi Basin, Mozambique 24
TRIVEDI, B.S. & UPADHYAY, NIRMALA - Morphological studies in Apocynaceae : Epidermal structures 29
PRASAD, BRAJ NANDAN & ASTHANA, DEEP, KUMAR -Observations on the genus Coleochaete De Brebisson 38
KULKARNI, A.R. -Aristolochioxylon prakashii from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Wardha District, Maharashtra 44
UDAR, RAM & NATH, VIRENDRA - Oil-bodies in south Indian liverworts 50
TRIVEDI, B.S. & BAJPAI, UAHA (nee Kher)-effect of sugars and light intensity on gametophyte developments in pteris cretica l. 54
PRASHAD BRAJ NANDAN & KUMARI VIJAY CMRS- Zygnemopsis vermaii--A new species from India 58
JALAN, S. -Morphogenesis of the stomata in Holboellia latifolia Wall. with remarks on the taxonomy of the aforenamed genus 61
UDAR, RAM & SINGH, DEVENDRA KUMAR -Studies in East Himalayan Hepaticae 1. The genus Trichocolea Dumort. 65
RAO, A.N., DUBEY, P.S. & SHROTRIYA, SANDEEP -Ecological distribution and behaviour of weeds in and outside the cultivated lands    73
AGARWALA, S.C., FAROOQ, S. & SHARMA, C.P.- Growth and metabolic effects of boron deficiency in some plant species of economic importance. 79
AWASTHI, D.D. & JOSH, MAMTA- Machrolichens of Mussoorie Hills, Uttar Pradesh 91
KAJALE, M.D.- Ancients grains from exacavations at Nevasa, Maharastra 98
SHARMA, B.D & BOHRA, D.R.- A new assemblage of fossil plants from the Rajmahal Hills,: Sporangia & seeds. 107
BHARDWAJ, D.C. & DWIVEDI, ARCHANA (Miss) - Insignisporties gen. nov., A new cavate moispore genus from Barakar Stage ( Lr. Gondwana) of India 113
Notes, News & Reviews
KAR, R.K.- Palynostratigraphy of Maniyara Fort Formation ( Oligocene) in the District of Kutch, Western India
SINGH, S.R.-A note on some macrolichen taxa from Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh, India 123
TANDON, K.K. & KUMAR, S.-Discovery of annelid and arthropod remains from Lower Vindhyan rocks (Precambrian) of Central India 126
AGARWAL, ANIL K. & LALITHA, C. -Palmoxylon mathuri Sahni from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Mohgaon Kalan, M. P., Indai 130
BHARADWAJ, D.C. -Fourth International Palynological Conference 132


Volume 7, Number 2, December 1977
KUMAR, S. & TANDON, K.K. - A note on bioturbation in the Lameta beds Jabalpur area, M. P.     135
MISRA, R.C., SINGH, S.N. & KUMAR, S.- Two new froms of stromatolites from the Kajrahat Limestone ( Lower Vindhyan), Dala area, District Mirzapur, U. P. 139
UDAR RAM & CHANDRA, VINOD -A new species of Notothylas Sull., N. pandei Udar et Chandra from India 142
GUPTA HARI PAL & SHARMA, CHHAYA - Palynotaxonomy and phylogeny of Indian Symplocaceae and Sapotaceae 147
RAMANUJAM , C.G.K. & RAO, K.P.- A palynological approch to the study of Warkalli deposits of Kerala in South India. 160
KUMAR, SHASHI & PALIWAL, G.S.- Foliar venation as an aid to the systematics of Scrophulariaceae, I. The tribes Digitaleae, Gerardieae and Euphrasieae (Series Rhinantheae) 165
SOODAN, K.S.-Fossil holothuroidea from Kutch, India-Part IV 179
RAO, A.R. & PATANKAR, TARA BAI V. -Epidermal and stomatal features in Pleocnemia conjugata (Bl.) Presl. 183
KAPOOR, H.M. -Lower Gondwana of Nishatbagh, Kashmir and its significance 188
DUTTA, S.K. & BAROOAH, S.K. - The Dihang and South Subansiri basins, N. E. India : Geology , tectonics and seismic possibilities 197
BIRADAR, N.V.-On the occurrence of a cynophycean member, Westiellopsis in the Deccan Intertrappean Series, M.P., India 204
KULKARNI, A.R. & PATIL, K.S. -Palmocaulon costapalmatum, a petrified palm leaf axis from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Wardha district, Maharashtra 208
SHARMA, B.D. & BOHRA, D.R. -Structure of phloem in some plants of Bennettitales and Pentoxylales collected from the Rajamahal hills India 214
SAXENA, A.K. & VISHNU-MITTRE - Pollen morphology of Mimosa rubicaulis Lamk. and M. hamata Willd. 217
PRASAD, BRAJ NANDAN, MEHROTRA, R.K. & SINGH, YASHPAL - Some new taxa of Nostoc Vaucher from North Indian crop-field 222
TANDON, K.K. & SAXENA R.K. -Fossil holothuroids from Middle Eocene rocks of Kutch India 229
KUMAR, DINESH & UDAR, RAM-A new species of Haplomitrium, H. grollei Kumar et Udar from Darjeeling, Eastern Himalayas, India 260
GURURAJA, M.N. - A solenoporoid alga from Miocene of Andaman 264
BHARADWAJ, D.C.- Symposium on Climatic vicissitudes in India during Gondwana times, Concluding remarks 269
AGARWAL, S.C. -Symposium on soil plants relationship 274
Notes, News & Reviews
AWASTHI, DHARNI DHAR & SINGH, KRISHNA PAL -Addition to the Lichen flora of India-IV
AGASHE, S.N.-Protataxopitys andrewsii a new combination for Prototaxylon andrewsii Agashe & Chitnis 278
TRIVEDI, B.S., MEHROTRA, B.N. & ASWAL, B.S.-A note on the occurence of Asplenium indicum Sledge, var. obtusum (Bir) comb. nov. in Western Himalaya 280
SRIVASTAVA, S.C. & DUTTA, S.K.-A note on the palynology of the Gondwanas of Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh 281
JAIN, K.P. & MILLEPIED, P.- Two new names : Fromea senegalensis and Ptero spermopsis Kieseri 284



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