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Geophytology :

Volume 8, Number 1, September 1978
SHARMA, P.N., CHATTERJI, C., SHARMA, C.P., MEHROTRA, N.K. & AGARWALA, S.C. -Availability of Molybdenum for palnts growth in major soil types Uttar Pradesh       1
SINGH, I.B. - Some problems concerning the study of sedimentary rocks in the Precambrian 10
LAKHANPAL, R.N. & GULERIA, J.S. -A lauraceous leaf impression from the Siwalik Bed near Tanakpur, U. P. 19
TRIVADI, B.S. & UPADHYAY, N.- Epidermal structures and ontogeny of stomata of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L. 22
UDAR, RAM, SRIVASTAVA, S.C. & SINGH, D.K. -Oil bodies in some Indian Metzgeriales 32
NAVALE, G.K.B. -Biopetrology of the Kargali coal seam, East Bokaro Coalfield 39
SHARMA, CHHAYA & GUPTA, HARI PAL - Pollen Morphlogy and interspecific delimitations of Indian species of the genus Styrax L. 43
KUMAR, S. & SRIVASTAVA, R. N.- Distribution of stromatolites in the Fawn Limestone, Semri Group ( Lower Vindhyan), Son Valley area, Mirzapur District, U. P. 49
KUMAR, S.--On the environment of deposition of Berinag quartzites, Ganai-Gangolihat area , District Pithoragarh, U.P. 55
PAL, A.K. & CHATTERJI, A.K. -Fossil algae from the Indus ‘Flysch’ of Ladakh 62
BHATIA, S.B. & MATHUR, A.K. -The Neogene charophyte flora of the Siwalik Group, India and its biostratigraphical significance 79
MATHUR, A.K.- Some fossil leaves from the Siwalik Group    98
RAI, J.N. & CHOWDHERY, H.J. -Microfungi from mangrove swamps of West Bengal, India 103
BHARADWAJ, D.C.-Studies in Anthocerotaceae V. Morphotaxonomy of some Indian species of Folioceros Bharadwaj 111
SHAH, M.R. & BABU, S.K.-Length-Breadth and elongation studies of the Proterozoic orthoqurtzites around Rahatgarh, Sagar , M. P. 120
Notes News & Reviews
GUPTA, H.P.- Biological degradation of trilete spores from Holocene of Bengal, India
SINGH, S.R. & AWASTHI, D.D.-A note on some microlichen from Pachmarhi, Madhya Pradesh, India 127
SINGH, K.P. -Lichen genus Echinoplaca Fee from India 129
DATTA, S. K.--A notes on the significance of the discovery of Gondwana palynomorphs in the rocks of Assam, Nagaland and Meghalaya 131
PRAKASH, U. & LALITHA, C.-Fossil wood of Artocarpus from the Tertiary of Assam 132
RAM UDAR - Cepahalozia kashyapi Udar nom,nov. from eastern Himalayas 133
KAR, R.K.-The Second Indian Geophytological Conference 134
MISRA, R.C.- Tectonic Geology of the Himalaya, Ed. P.S. Saklani-Review 134
BHARDWAJ, D.C.-Bryology in India : A Monograph, by Dr. Ram Udar (Ed. Pama Primlane)- Review 134-35
BHARDWAJ, D.C.-Fossil Algae, Recent Results and developments, Ed. Erik Flugel-Review 134-35


Volume 8, Number 2, June 1979
MEHER-HOMJI, V.-On the subtropical climate and vegetation of the Indian sub-continent 137
PRASAD, B.N. & MEHROTRA, R.K.-Cyanophycean flora of north Indian crop-fields   147
ARUN KUMAR- Aeropalynological study in Sanford Woodlot, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, U. S. A. 158
NAUTIYAL, D.D. & SINGH, S.-Epidermal structure and stomatal ontogeny in some members of Menispermaceae 169
BHATTACHARYA, A.R.- A study of heavy minerals of the arenaceous rock units of Northern Kumaon Himalya, with special reference to stastistical analysis of Tourmaline and Zircon 176
AWASTHI, DHARANI DHAR & PARVEEN AKHTAR-The Lichen Leptogium (sects Leptogium, Leptogiopsis & Homodium) in India 189
VERMA, B.K.- Development of stomata in leaves of Malpighia glabra (Linn.) 205
SHARMA, CHHAYA & GUPTA, HARI PAL -Pollen Morphology and phylogeny of Indian Ebenaceae 209
BHARDWAJ, D.C., SRIVASTAVA, SURESH, C. & ANAND-PRAKASH-Palynostratis graphy of the Talchir Formation from Manendragarh, M. P., India 215
NAVALE, G.K.B. & MISRA, B.K.- Some new pollen grains from Neyveli lignite, Tamil Nadu, India 226
KASAT, M.L. & AGARWAL, S.K.- Epidermal structure and ontogeny of stomata in Didymocarpus, a rare taxon to Rajasthan flora 240
Notes, News and
Reviews KUMAR, R., SUNEJA, I.S. & CHOPRA, S.R.K.- First record of charophytes from Lower Siwalik around Ramnagar (J & K)
SHARMA, LOKENDRA RAJ-Additions to the Lichen flora in Nepal-II 247
PRAKASH, U. -Fossil wood of Dracontomelum from Lower Siwalik beds of Himachal Pradesh, India    248
DUTTA, S.K.-Recycled Permian palynomorphs in Upper Cretaceous rocks of Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya 250



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