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Geophytology :

Volume 9, Numbers 1&2, December, 1979
SAXENA SHIVDAYAL -A general survey of the fossil flora of Madhya Pradesh A Review 1
ROY, S.K. & GHOSH, PRADIP- On the occurrence of fossil woods of Gluta and Anogessus in the Tertiary of Birbhum District, West Bengal, India 16
SAXENA, D.K.- Studies on Equisetum : Stomata from annulus of Equisetum ramosissimum cone and its significance 22
RIGBY, J.F. - Aspects concering the identification and distribution of Late Palacozoic plants in Gondwanaland 28
NAVALE, G.K.B. & MISRA, B.K.- Petrographic constitution of Jaypore Coals, Upper Assam 39
MAHESHWARI, H. K. & KUMAR, P. - A Jurassic mioflora from the Jabalpur Group Exposed in Morand river near Morghat, Hoshangabad District, Madhya Pradesh 47
PRAMOD KUMAR & KULSHRESHTHA, S.K. - Palynotratigraphical studies of carbonaecous shales from Kotri, Narsinghpur District, M. P., India 52
CHITNIS, S.R. & VAGYANI, B.A.- Adddtions to the Glossopleris flora form the Kamthi beds near Satnavari, District Nagpur 62
MAHABALE, T.S. & SATYANARAYNA T.- Upper Gondwana Plants fossil from east Godawari District in Andhra Pradesh India 65
MITRA K., SAHA, S. & MONDAL M. - Pollen morphology of Ochnacae 83
KAR, R.K. - Fossil algae from Fulra Limestone ( Middle Eocene ), Kutch, Gujarat 88
KAUR, S.- Types of spore germination, prothallial development and mature prothallus in relation to taxonomy of homosporous ferns. 91
PEERZADA, S.H. KHAN, PANDAY, A.K., KHAN, H.A. & SINGH, R.P. -Morphology and anatomy of seeds of some Crotalaria species 96
KASAT, M.L.-Morphogenetic effect of various growth regulators on the foliar stomata of Vigna sinensis. 102
AGARWAL, P.N. & TRIVEDE, G.S.- Iron-ore occurrences at Tatpahar, South of Sapehi, Sidhi District, Madhya Pradesh 108
AGASHE, S.N. & GEETHA, K.R . -Paleopalynological studies of Lower Gondwana strata with particular reference to coal seame froms Kamptee Coal-field, Nagpur District, Maharashtra State 116
AGASHE, S.N. & SURESH, F.C.-Palaeobotanical studies on the Lower Gondwana strata with particular reference to Coal bearing beds in chandrapur District, Maharashtra State, India. 124
BIRADAR, N.V. & BONDE, S.D.-On a fossil palm peduncle from Dongargaon, Dist. Chanda, Maharashtra, India 132
RAJESHWAR RAO, P.V. & RAMANUJAM, C.G.K. -The genus Contignisporites from the Lower Cretaceous beds of Adilabad District, A.P. 139
PAL, A.K. & DUTTA, S.K.-A study of fossil algae from Sylhet Limestone Fromation of Meghalaya and Mikir Hills, Assam 144
GHOUSE, A.K.M. & IQBAL, M.-An outline of the bark anatomy of some arid zone Acacia and Prosopis with particular attention on sclerenchyma distribution. 156
JAMAL, A. & GHOUSE, A.K.M.- Proportion of ray and fusiform initials in the cambium of Cassia 160
AMANI, A.Z., ZAIDI, S.H., GHOUSE, A.K.M. & FAROOQUI, M.H. -Studies on the trichome development and density in the different populations of Croton experiencing varying degrees of air pollution 162
AMANI, A.Z., KHAN, P.R. GHOUSE, A.K.M. & FAROOQUI, M.H. -Vegetative and reprodutive growth of cassia occidentalis under the influence of acute environmental pollution 165
KHAN, P.R., AMANI, A.Z., ZAIDI, S.H., KHAN, A.U. & GHOUSE, A.K.M.-Performance of Cassia tora a rainy season weed around Aligarh 167
ABIDI, S.H. & GHOUSE, A.K.M.-Effect of acute gamma irradiation on seed germination in Linum usitatissimum L. var. neelum 169
PANDAY, A.K. & CHOPRA, S.- Development of seed and fruit in Gerbera jamisoni Bolus 171
PAUL, S.R.-Notes on some cultivated Calliandra (Mimosaceae) 175
PAUL, S.R.-Oxalis latifolia HBK. in Indo-Malaysia 184
ARUN KUMAR - A note on the palynological investigation of Pitch Lake, Trinidad, West Indies 189



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