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Geophytology :

Volume 29, Number 1& 2, 1999
STUCHLIK, LEON-Investigations of the Neogene floras in Poland .. 1
BONDE, S.D., KUMBHOJKAR, M.S. & AHER, R.T.-Phoenicicaulon mahabalei gen. et sp. nov., a sheathing leaf base of Phoenix from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of India 11
GUHA, RATNA, MANDAL, M.S.-Taxonomy and Pollen Morphology of the Genus Ruppia L. ( Ruppiaceae) in India with special refrence to systematic position 17
DIXIT, A.P.& SHETE, R.H.-Venation pattern in genus Vitis Linn. 25
BHATT, D.C., MITALIYA, K.& PATEL, R.C.-Epidermal studies of Parthenium hysterophorus Linn. from Saurashtra 31
AWASTHI, U.S., SRIVASTAVA, S.C.& SHARMA, DEEPAK-Lopholejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. in India 35
SAXENA, D.K., SAXENA, ANJU & GLIME, JANICE-Leaf area index and shoot densities of Sphagnum squarrosum Cram. Samml. and Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid 61
KUMAR, PRAMOD & JHA, NEERJA-Subsurface palynological succession from Katol Area, Nagpur, Maharashtra 65
SINGH, SHIV MOHAN-Glossopteris flora from the Early Permian of Karanpura and Bokaro Coalfeilds 69
KUMAR, DINESH, MANOCHA, NAVITA & TIWARI, POOJA -On the regeneration in Calobryales 81
KUMAR, RAKESH-Studies on pollen and nectar yeilding palnts of honey bees at Pialitown, Dist. 24-Parganas, West Bengal, India 89
CHAVAN, S.J.& JOSHI, D.Y.-Studies on the Microlejeunea minutistipula Steph. from Andaman Islands, India 95
KUMAR, PRAMOD-Palynomorphs From Denwa Formation (Late Triassic), Satpura Basin, India 99
KUMAR, DINESH & MANOCHA, NAVITA-Herbertus udarii Kumar et Manocha, a new species from India 105
MEENA, K.L.-Palynodating of subsurface sediments of bore-hole IBH-6 in Ib-River Coalfield, Orissa, India 111


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