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Geophytology :

Volume 43(1), 2013 Issued : 20 May 2013
Sharma B.D., Bohra D.R., Suthar O.P. & Harsh R. — Morphology, antomy and phylogenetic studies on the Indian Nesozoic bennettitean Stems
McLoughlin — Glossopteris damraensis, a new name for Glossopteris truncata Chauhan et al. 2011, non McLoughlin 1994
Saxena D.K., Hooda P.S., Singh S., Srivastava K. Kalaji H.M. & Gahotri D. - An assessment of atmospheric metal deposition in Garhwal Hills, India by moss Rhodobryum giganteum (Schwaegr.) Par. 17
Singh S.P., Singh V. & Mishra G.K.- Morphotaxonomic and pharmaco-anatomical studies on Cissampelos pareira L. 29
Singh L.J. & Murugan C. - Genus Dendrophthoe Mart. (Loranthaceae) from Bay Islands with a new record for India and inventory of host species 41
Kapgate D.K. - Spinocarpon mohgaoense gen. et sp. nov., a permineralized spiny fruit from the Deccan Intertrappean beds of Mohgaonkalan, Madhya Pradesh, India 51
Kokate P.S., Upadhye E.V. & Bobade M.B.- A pertrified capsular fruit Lagerstroemiocarpon harrisii gen. et sp. nov. from the Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Mohgaonkalan, Madhya Pradesh, India 57
Asthana G. & Srivastava - Cephalozia kodaikanalensis sp. nov. (Cephaloziaceae) from Palni Hills, Tamil Nadu, India 63
Upreti D. K., Mishra G.K. & Nayaka S. - New records of lichen genera Agonimia and Baeomyces (Ascomycota) from India 69
Verma S.K. & Sharma B.D. - Enigmophyllum cycadoides gen. et sp. nov. from the Rajmahal Hills, Jharkhand, India 75
Sahai K. & Rawat K.K. - Reproductive isolation that leads to speciation in flowering plants 79
Volume 43(2), 2011 Issued : 10 November 2013
Mandaokar B. D. & Ambwani K. — Palmostroboxylon deotamuraensis sp. nov., a new cocoid fossil palm peduncle from the Tipam Sandstone (Late Miocene) of Tripura, North-East India
Yadav A.K. & Yadav R.R. — Long-living Neoza pine in western Himalaya: the natural archive of climate
Prakash N. - Two new species of Elatocladus Halle from the Jabalpur Formation of Sehora, Narsinghpur District, Madhya Pradesh, India 99
Kokate P.S., Upadhye E.V. & Bhadange D.G.- Loganiocarpon deccanensis gen. et sp. nov., a bilocular capsular fruit from Deccan Intertrappean Beds of Mohgaonkalan, Madhya Pradesh, India 105
Saxena D. K., Gahtori D.& Zander R.H. - Anoectangium thomsonii Mitt. (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta) from Uttarakhand, India 111
Sahu V. & Asthana A.K. - Genus Pogonatum P. Beauv. in Singalila National Park, Darjeeling, eastern Himalaya, India 117
Quamar M.F. & Chauhan M.S.- Modern pollen assemblage from surface samples and its relationship to vegetation in Sehore District, South-western Madhya Pradesh, India 125
Shashikanth J. & Reddy P.R. - Pharmacognostic studies on stem bark of Tamarindus indica L 133
Santosh K. Tripathi, Utkarsh Misra and Pradeep K. Misra - Occurrence of genus Scenedesmus Meyen (Chlorophyceae) in western Uttar Pradesh, India 139
Tripathi S.K. - Eighteen new combinations in Hammenisporis Saxena & Trivedi 2009 (Fossil spores of Ceratopteridaceae) from the Indian Tertiary Sediments 145
Ghavri S.V., Kumar S. & Bauddh K. - Enrichment coefficient and translocation factors of Fe and Cu in weeds growing in Sandila Industrial Area, Hardoi District, Uttar Pradesh, India 153
Verma P.K., Rawat K.K., Yadav A. & Kaushik P.K. - Mastigolejeunea humilis (Gott.) Schiffn. from Sibsagar, Assam, new to Indo-Burma Biodiversity Hotspot 163
Gond D.K., Kumar S., Samuel C.O., Abbasi P. & Saini D.C. - Pteris multifida Poiret., a new record from eastern Uttar Pradesh, India 167
Singh L.J. & Murugan C. - Vivipary in Hibiscus cannabinus L. (Kenaf): a potential reproductive strategy in island's ecosystem
Sharma B.D. & Purohit S. N. - Spores, germination and apogamy in Isoetes of Rajasthan, India



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