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Geophytology :

Volume 49(1&2), 2019 Issued : 30 November 2019
Alokemoy Basu — Delayed autogamy during corolla abscission of Barleria prionitis: an efficient adaptation to overcome the pollinator crisis
Md. Tousif Ahmed and Pankaj K. Pal — Anther dehisence, pollen dispersal, stigma receptivity and anthesis of Solanum indicum L.
Sadaquat Hassin and Pankaj K. Pal - Recognition of pollen adhering threads in six members belonging to Onagraceae and Caesalpiniaceae and their ultrastructural observations 15
Baishakhi Sarkar, A.P. Das and Subir Bera - A note on some deviating pollen morphological features in four species of Bauhinia (Leguminosae: Caesalpiniodeae) from the sub-Himalayan, West Bengal, India 21
B.D. Sharma, S.N. Purohit and R. Harsh - Ophioglossum petiolatum Hooker, a population with abnormal cones at Ajmer, Rajasthan, India 25
Acharya Balkrishna, Bhasker Joshi, Anupam Srivastava, Rama Shankar, B.K. Shukla, Sidharth Tiwari, Uday Bhan Prajapati, Amita Singh, Parul Punetha, Aashish Kumar, Aqib, Priyanka Tyagi, Sangam Sharma, Rajesh Kumar Mishra - Some economic aspects of Ferns and Fern-allies of Seijosa Forest area of East Kameng District, Arunachal Pradesh 29
M.Firoze Quamar - Palynological study of surface soil samples from the Kartala Forest Range of the Korba District, Chhattisgarh, central India: Modern pollen-rain/vegetation relationship 37
Raman Patel, Hukam Singh, Mahesh Prasad, Priya Agnihotri, Rajendra Singh Rana, Mohd. Waqas - Diversified Early Eocene floral and faunal assemblage from Gurha, western Rajasthan: Implications for palaeoecology and palaeoenvironment 49



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