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Geophytology :

Volume 50(1&2), 2020
Alexander B. Doweld — The International Fossil Plant Names Index (IFPNI): a new step in the development of palaeobotany
Robert A. Spicer1, 2, 3*and Alex Farnsworth2, 4 — The ups and downs of palaeoaltimetric methods: The use of plant fossil and isotope proxies to determine past land surface height
McLoughlin S.- Late Permian flora of the Little River Coal Measures, northeastern Australia 37
Manchester S.R., Kapgate D.K., Ukey R.W. & Wanjari M. - Infructescences, fruits and seeds of the distinctive fossil palm, Tricoccites trigonum K.P. Rode from Mohgaonkalan in Chhindwara District, Madhya Pradesh, India: three-dimensional morphology, and anatomy 49
Saxena R.K., Nuñez Otaño N.B. & O’Keefe J.M.K.- Relationship of fossil fungal spore genus Polycellaesporonites Anil Chandra et al. 1984 with extant Alternaria Nees 1816 61
Kumar A. — Palynology of the Rockly Bay Formation (mid-Pliocene), Tobago, West Indies 73
Saxena R.K. & Wijayawardene N.N. - Fossil-extant relationship in Fungi and its palaeoenvironmental significance: Indian perspective 95
Goswami S., Sahoo M., Patel R., Tripathy G. & Singh K.J. - Record of scale leaves from Lower Kamthi Formation of Talcher Basin, Odisha, India 127
Tiwari S., Mishra R.K., Singh S.K. & Prasad M. —Antidesma miocenica sp. nov. and Cyclosorus eoproliferus leaves from Middle Siwalik (Late Miocene) exposed near Sarkaghat, Mandi district, Himachal Pradesh, India 135
Sharma B.D., Harsh R. & Suthar O.P. —Bucklandia mucilagica sp. nov. (Bennettitales) from the Mesozoic sediments of Rajmahal Hills, Jharkhand, India 143
Garg A. — Predicted impacts of climate change on Upper Ganga Ramsar site in India 147
Samant B. — replacement name for Tricolpites magnus B. Samant et al. 2020 non Z.-C. Song et al. 1985 (fossil pollen) 153



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