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About Us :

The Palaeobotanical Society was initiated and organized by Late Prof. Birbal Sahni, F.R.S., with seven other members - Prof. K.N. Kaul, Dr. R.N. Lakhanpal, Dr. S.D. Saksena, Dr. R.V. Sitholey, Dr. K.R. Surange, Dr. B.S. Trivedi, and Dr. S. Venkatachary, and registered under the Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860 on 3rd June, 1946.

The first Governing Body of the Society consisted of Mrs. Savitri Sahni (President), Dr. A.N. Singh, Prof. S. Ranjan, Dr. R.D. Misra, Dr. M.R. Siddiqui (Members) and Prof. Birbal Sahni (Secretary).

On 10th September, 1946 the Governing Body of the Society resolved that an Institute for research in Palaeobotany be established and Prof. Birbal Sahni was appointed as the first Director of the Institute in an honorary capacity. The foundation stone for the new building of the Institute was laid by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India on 3rd April, 1949. After the demise of Prof. Sahni on 10th April, 1949, Prof. M. R. Siddiqui proposed at the meeting of the Governing Body of the Society held on 28th October, 1949 that the Institute of Palaeobotany be renamed as "Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany" in honour of its illustrious founder. The new building of the Institute was opened by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India, on 3rd January, 1953. The Society continued to develop the Institute till 1969.

In its meeting held on 25th August 1969, the Society authorized its Governing Body to direct the Trustees to transfer the Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany and its assets to a new Society, "Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany Society". This transfer was completed on 12th November, 1969. In December, 1969, the Society reconstituted itself as a professional body and decided to start a journal "GEOPHYTOLOGY" which commenced publication in 1971. "Geophytology" publishes papers on all aspects of Palaeobotany and such branches of Botany and Geology as have bearing on Palaeobotany.


1. The name of the Society shall be "The Palaeobotanical Society"

2. The object of the Society shall be the promotion of Palaeobotany and allied sciences. For the advancement of the object aforesaid, the Society shall have power -
[a] to publish a journal, books, monographs and any other literature on Palaeobotany and related fields;
[b] to hold scientific meetings and organize lectures, seminars etc.;
[c] to draw and accept, make and endorse and discount and negotiate Government of India and other promissory notes, bills of exchange, cheques or other negotiable instruments;
[d] to invest the funds of, or money entrusted to the Society upon such securities or in such manner as may from time to time be determined by the Executive Council and from time to time sell or transpose such instruments;
[e] to purchase, take on lease, accept as a gift or Trust or otherwise acquire any land, building or any other property wherever situated which may be necessary, convenient or beneficial to the Society with such conditions and obligations as may be agreed upon or imposed;
[f] to sell, lease, exchange and otherwise transfer all or any portion of the properties of Society;
[g] to make, amend, alter, modify, cancel, annul and remake rules and regulations for carrying out the object and management of the Society, and to register the same under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, or any other law which may be applicable;
[h] to do all such other acts as may generally be considered necessary for achieving the above object.

3. There shall be three categories of members of the Society:-
(1) Ordinary Members,
(2) Life Members
(3) Honorary Members.

4. The Ordinary Members shall be:-
[a] All the existing members of the Society who pay the membership subscription from the year 1970;
[b] Any person who subscribes to the object of the Society, is duly elected by the Executive Council of the Society and has paid the admission fee and the annual subscription of the Society. Subscribing members of six years standing will be eligible upon their retirement from service, for 50% rebate in their membership subscription (Emend. 24.12.1974).

5. Life Members:- Any Ordinary Member may become a Life Member of the Society by paying an amount equal to twelve years subscription either in lump sum or in installments within a year from the date of his application being received by the Secretary for life membership provided that any ordinary member who has already paid a number of annual subscriptions may be allowed a rebate at the rate of half the annual subscription paid up to a maximum of six years.
Life Members and Ordinary Members of five years standing be entitled to buy one set of back volumes at half the price for institutions (Emend. 24.12.1974).

6. Honorary Members:-
[a] All the existing Honorary Members of the Society.
[b] Eminent Scientists and persons interested in the promotion of the object of the Society who after the unanimous recommendation of the Executive Council shall be elected by 4/5 majority of those present and voting at the annual meeting of the society.

7. Fellows:- Ordinary and Life Members of outstanding merit may be admitted as Fellows of the Society by the Executive Council. The total number of Fellows shall not exceed seventy five at any time. A Fellow will be entitled to use the abbreviation F.Pb.S after his name (Emend. 26.12.1997).

8. Ordinary Members and Life Members shall have voting rights and shall be entitled to hold any office of the Society on being duly elected thereto. They shall have the following privileges:-
[a] The right of communicating research papers for the meetings and the publications of the Society.
[b] To receive a copy of the Journal of the Society free.

9. A member shall be free to withdraw from the membership of the Society by signifying his wish in writing to the Secretary after paying all the dues of the Society. Any member who has withdrawn from the membership of the Society shall again become a member, if there are no dues outstanding against him, and if he joins within six months of with drawl.

10. Any Ordinary Member automatically ceases to be member of the Society if he/she fails to renew the annual subscription within six months of the due date that is 1st January of the year. The annual subscription for membership is due on January 1st in each year. Members who have not paid their subscription by June 30th shall automatically cease to have the voting right for that year., Any member whose subscription is more than one year in arrears shall stand suspended unless the Executive Council shall decide otherwise (Emend. 21.12.1979).

11. The Financial year of the Society will be from April - March next year. The membership year will be the Calendar Year (Emend. 11.12.1971)

12. Ordinary Members and Life Members shall constitute the General Body, which shall ordinarily hold its Annual Meeting each year in the last week of December. At least fifteen days notice for the Annual Meeting of the Society shall be given by the Secretary.

13. One third of the total membership of the Society or fifteen members, whichever is less, shall form the quorum. All decisions shall be taken by simple majority vote. The President shall have a casting vote in case of tie.

14. At the Annual Meeting the General Body shall hold elections, pass the audited accounts and review the progress of the Society.

15. The Executive Council of the Society shall comprise the following :-
1.The President - Ex-officio
2.The Vice-President - Ex-officio
3.The Treasurer - Ex-officio
4. The Secretary - Ex-officio
5.The Joint Secretary - Ex-officio
6.The Chief Editor - Ex-officio
7.Seven Councilors to be elected by the members with voting right.

16. The management of the affairs of the Society shall be vested in and rest with the Executive Council who for the purpose of Act XXI of 1860 shall be taken to be and shall act as the Executive Council of the Society and remain charged with the administration of all the affairs subject to these rules.

17. The Executive Council shall function, notwithstanding any vacancy in its body, and no act or proceeding of the Executive Council shall be invalidated merely by reasons of the existence of the vacancy or vacancies among its members.

18. The Executive Council may meet any number of times for the dispatch of business of the Society. The Secretary shall, ordinarily send a notice of the meeting at least ten days before the exact date of holding its meeting. But an emergent meeting may be called without previous notice by either the President or the Secretary provided the quorum is complete. Five members of the Executive Council shall form a quorum.

19. The tenure of all the Members of the Executive Council (including the Office Bearers) should be enhanced uniformly for three years and be made effective for the election to be held in December, 1988 (Emend. 30.12.1988).

20. The Executive Council shall have the following powers:-
[a] To raise funds and collect money for the objects of the Society.
[b] to frame bye-laws on any matters which under these rules are to be regulated by such by-laws, and matters on which there is no adequate provision under these rules subject to the approval of the General Body.
[c] To consider the audited annual accounts of the Society, to place the same before the General Body and to implement any recommendation made in regard thereto by the General Body.
[d] Generally to do such things as they may consider necessary or expedient for the purpose of carrying out the object of the Society.

21. The Executive Council may at any time delegate any of the their powers to the President, Secretary or a sub-committee consisting of such members of their body as they think fit, save and except the powers mentioned in rule 20(b) and 20(c).

22. The President of the Society shall be elected by the General Body from amongst its members. He shall preside over all meetings of the General Body and of the Executive Council of the Society.

23. The Vice-President of he Society shall be elected by the General Body. In the absence of the President he shall preside over the meeting. In the absence of both, the President and the Vice-President, a Chairman shall be elected for that meeting by the members present.

24. The Secretary shall be elected by the General Body. He shall be responsible for :-
[i] issuing notices for the meetings of the Society and the Executive Council.
[ii] drawing up of the agenda for the meetings and getting the minutes of the meetings properly recorded,
[iii] carrying out such other duties as may from time to time be entrusted to him by the Society.

25. The Executive Council shall appoint a Joint Secretary on the recommendation of the Secretary. He shall assist the Secretary in his duties.

26. The General Body shall elect an Honorary Treasurer. He shall carry on his duties in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and the bye-laws of the Society.

27. The General Body shall elect a Chief Editor for its publications. The Chief Editor shall have the power to nominate two Editors for the duration of his tenurer.

28. The Editorial Board shall consist of:-
[a] The Chief Editor
[b] The Secretary - Ex-officio
[c] The Treasures - Ex-officio
[d] Two Editors - to be nominated by the Chief Editor.

29. The rules and regulations of the Society may be amended at Annual meeting of the General Body of the Society by majority of the members present and eligible for voting. Amendments proposed by members must reach the Secretary in time for circulation to all the members of the Society at least one month before the meeting. Amendments proposed by the Executive Council should also be circulated one month before the meeting of the General Body.

30. The Executive Council shall appoint an Auditor to audit accounts of the Society as soon as possible after the close of the financial year of the Society. Any person authorized by the Central Government or Government of Uttar Pradesh may carry out test audits or examine the accounts of the Society in respect of the period during which the Society received a grant from such Government or Governments as the case may be and the Executive Council shall allow all the facilities for such audits.

31. The Headquarters of the Society shall be located at Lucknow.

32. Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of the Society, the Executive Council shall make Bye-laws of the Society and shall have the power to amend, add to or repeal the same.

1. Professor Sahni's library of Scientific literature;

2. Professor Sahni's collection of fossil specimens;

3. Funds to the extent of Rs. 1,00,000/- to be transferred by Professor and Mrs. Sahni to provide for the building of the Institute. Of this sum Rs. 50,462.26 has already been placed in the accounts of the Society, being made up partly of earnings and partly of donations; the balance to be handed over after the main parts of the building, namely, the Museum, Library and Laboratories have been erected;

4. A perpetual endowment of Rs. 1000/- in 3.5% Governement paper given to Professor Sahni by Pandit Lakshmi Datt Pant of Almora for the Chandra Datt Pant Commemoration;

5. Two Scholarships of Rs. 100/- p.m. (+RS. 14/- p.m. as Dear ness Allowance) given by the Burmah Oil Company for the purpose of the Institute for a period of 5 years in the first instance, beginning with January, 1945;

6. The furniture and equipment of the Palaeobotanical Laboratory given by the Burmah Oil Company for the Institute;

7. Any other property or donations in any form which may hereafter be donated to or be collected or acquired by Professor and Mrs. Sahni for the Society with such conditions not inconsistent with the objects of the Society or with the Rules and Regulations as the donors may lay down;

8. After the death of Professor and Mrs. Sahni nearly all their remaining assets in whatever form existing at the death of the last survivor of the two.


1. Any person desirous of becoming a member of the Society shall apply to the Secretary for membership on the duly prescribed form.

2. The Secretary shall place all such applications at the next meeting of the Executive Council.

3. The admission of such candidates shall be decided upon at the meeting of the Executive Council by a majority vote.

4. A person elected a member of the Society shall not be entitled to exercise any privilege as such, nor shall he be admitted, nor his name entered in the list of members of the Society until he has paid his Admission and Subscription Fees.

5. Any Honorary Member if he so desires shall become and Ordinary/Life Member by paying the prescribed fee.

6. The Secretary shall, on the advice of a Sub-Committee submit to the Executive Council names of Ordinary and Life Members of outstanding merit, for admittance as Fellows of the Society not later than October 15, each year. This Sub-Committee shall consist of five members (Fellows) including the Convener to be nominated by the Executive Council in its first meeting every year. In case of a tie the Convener shall have the right of casting vote.

7. The admittance of such candidates shall be decided upon by a secret ballot among the FELLOWS. No person shall be declared to be elected a Fellow who has not received votes of at least on half of the total number of Fellows (Emend, 18.12.1982).

8. The FELLOWS elected will pay Fellowship Fee for admittance to Fellowship (Emend, 26.12.1997).

9. If any member of the Society should, contemptuously or contumaciously disobey the Rules, Regulations, Bye-laws or Order of the Society or Council; or should, by speaking, writing or printing, publicly defame the Society; or advisedly, maliciously or dishonestly do any thing to the damage, detriment or dishonor thereof, he shall be liable to ejection from the Society.

10. Whensoever there shall be cause for the ejection of any member from the Society, the President shall at some meeting thereof propose the ejection of such member, and the question shall be put to ballot at the next General Body meeting and if two-thirds of the members present vote for it, the President shall cancel the name of such person in the Register.

11. All persons ejected from the Society shall be thereby rendered incapable of belonging to it in future.

12. PROCEDURE- At a duly notified meeting in the absence the President and the Vice-President the members present shall elect a Chairman by a majority vote. All items on Agenda shall be decided upon by a majority vote of the members present. In the event of a tie the President shall have a second or casting vote.

13. If there is no quorum with in fifteen minutes after the time fixed for the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned to such date as the President may appoint. A quorum shall not be necessary for a meeting so adjourned (Emend. 09.03.1979).

14. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings and send a copy of the minutes to all members as early as possible.

15. The Executive Council may appoint Advisory Committee consisting of its own members or of other persons or both, to report to it upon any matter concerning the Society.

16. The Treasurer and/or the Secretary shall receive for the use of the Society all sums of money payable to the Society; and disburse all sums of money which may be due from the Society. The Treasurer shall keep detailed accounts of all such receipts and payments.

17. Every sum of money payable on account of the Society up to the approved budget limit shall be paid by the order of the Treasurer and the Secretary jointly.

18. All sums of money in the hands of the Treasurer for which there shall not be present an occasion for spending or otherwise disposing of for the use of the Society, shall be laid out in such Government or other Securities as shall be approved of and directed by the Executive Council, all moneys received as Composition Fees (Life Membership) shall be invested.

19. The Treasurer shall keep a yearly list of all such members of the Society as shall have paid the annual subscription and also of these members who are liable to pay the annual subscription in this list shall also be noted the times up to which the annual subscription shall have been paid and the arrears due from each member, respectively.

20. The Treasurer shall also keep a book of printed receipts, each receipt to be signed by himself and to be filled up with the name of member paying and particulars of the sum paid; such receipts to be countersigned by the person who shall receive the money on the Treasurer's behalf, and upon the delivery of the receipt to the member paying, such person is to enter the above particulars upon the counterfoil.

21. The Treasurer shall demand the annual subscription or cause them to be demanded of such persons as shall neglect to make their payments within three months after they are due.

22. The Treasurer shall take care that all documents evidencing the Society's title to its fund and property and the policies of insurance, sureties etc., be lodged in the Society's safe or with Society's bankers, and the safe shall be inspected by Council once every year.

23. The accounts shall be audited annually a short time after 31st March by an authorized Auditor to be appointed by the Executive Council. The report of the said Auditor shall be considered by the Executive Council at its next meeting and together with their recommendations shall be placed before the Annual General Body meeting.

i. The Current Bankers, United Commercial Bank, University Brach, Lucknow, appointed on recommendations of the Executive Council at its meeting held on 29.12.1973 be replaced and that State Bank of India, Hazratganj, Lucknow be and are hereby appointed Bankers to the Palaeobotancial Society.

ii. All Cheques on the banking account be signed and all bills and other negotiable instruments be drawn, accepted, and made on behalf of the Palaeobotancial Society, jointly by the Secretary and the Treasurer.

iii. Cheques, bills, notes and other negotiable instruments payable to the Palaeobotanical society may be endorsed for the Palaeobotanical society by any one or of the persons mentioned in 23 (ii). (Emend 29.12.1973)

24. The Society shall not, and may not, make any dividend, gift, division or bonus in money unto or between any of its members.

25. Receipts- All money received for or on behalf of the Society shall be in the form of cheques, drafts or Postal Orders made out in the name of the Society and shall be placed in the Society's account at the State Bank of India.

26. Budget Estimates- The Budget estimates of each year shall be prepared by the Treasurer and placed before the Executive Council for approval.

27. The Executive Council shall, from time to time appoint such salaried officers as they deem necessary for the transaction of the business of the Society, who shall be subject to the Rules and Orders which shall, from time to time, be given by the Council.

28. One of the salaried officers shall, under the authority of the Council, be responsible for the safe keeping of the property of the Society.

29. The Publication of the Society shall be printed at such times and in such manner as the Council shall direct.

30. Every member shall be entitled to receive free of cost, the Journal of the Society for the year for which he has paid his subscription.

31. There shall be kept a book, called the Roll, which shall be signed, by the Fellows and Members of the Society.

32. There shall be kept a book containing the register of the Fellows and Members of the Society, with the dates of their election, death or withdrawal.

33. There shall be Minute Books consisting of all Minutes, Orders and Business of the Society and Council and their respective meetings.

34. Any Fellow or Member of the Society may at proper times have the liberty of inspecting the Minutes Book or other official books of the Society; but no Fellow or Member shall take any copy or a transcript of any matter contained therein without the permission of the Council.



The Palaeobotanical Society
53, University Road, Lucknow - 226001.


e-mail: palaeosociety@gmail.com

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