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The Palaeobotanical Society was initiated and organized by Late Prof. Birbal Sahni, F.R.S., with seven other members - Prof. K.N. Kaul, Dr. R.N. Lakhanpal, Dr. S.D. Saksena, Dr. R.V. Sitholey, Dr. K. R. Surange, Dr. B.S. Trivedi, and Dr. S. Venkatachary, and registered under the Societies Registration Act. XXI of 1860 on 3rd June, 1946.

The first Governing Body of the Society consisted of Mrs. Savitri Sahni (President), Dr. A.N. Singh, Prof. S. Ranjan, Dr. R.D. Misra, Dr. M.R. Siddiqui (Members) and Prof. Birbal Sahni (Secretary).

Through the span of a century, men have arisen now and again who, by their ability, their dint of application and inspiration, have sifted facts of science amidst a maze of confusing evidence, and who have thus left an indelible impression upon the sands of time. Such men have not merely unveiled scientific truths, not only contributed their iota to the sum total of scientific knowledge, but have also added dignity and luster to the science they have pursued. Birbal Sahni was one among such men. To his brother Dr. M. R. Sahni, and one who learnt the first principles of Science from him when scarcely of school-going age, his passing away has meant a break, a snapped link with the memories of a cherished past.

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The Palaeobotanical Society
53, University Road, Lucknow - 226001.


e-mail: palaeosociety@gmail.com