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Geophytology :

(ISSN 0376-5156) Registered with RNI, Title Code: UPENG00427, Reg. No. : 26623.

An International Journal of Palaeobotany, Palynology and Allied Sciences, Issued by The Palaeobotanical Society, Lucknow, INDIA

Aims and Scope:
Geophytology publishers articles in English on all aspects of Palaeobotany and palynology as well as such branches of botany and geology which have bearing on palaeobotany, e.g. plant morphology, taxonomy, ecology, plant geography, phylogeny, archeobotany, stratigraphy, sedimentology, biopetrology, etc. The journal is intended to serve research workers in these disciplines all over the world. A volume, comprising of two numbers, is published every year. The journal normally caters to members only. Manuscripts prepared in the style of the latest issue of Geophytology and correspondence on editorial matters should be address to the Chief Editor, Geophytology, The Palaeobotanical Society, 53 University Road, Lucknow-226 007, India.



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53, University Road, Lucknow - 226001.


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