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Instructions to Authors :

Manuscripts are to be submitted to the Chief Editor in triplicate, typewritten on one side of paper, double spaced and wih wide margin on both sides, In addition, the complete manuscript (with plates, text-figures, tables etc.) should also be sent by e-mail or on a CD. The Title should be brief but informative preferably indicating the contents of the paper and age and geogaphical location of the material (e.g. Gujarat, India etc.). It should be followed by name and address (including e-mail address) of all the authors. Each paper must be accompanied by an Abstract, incorporating all the principal facts and conclusions. In the main test, three or fewer grades of headings may be used. Diagnosis of new taxon. Wherever given, should be concise, mentioning the holotype and its repository along with locality, horizon and age. Approximate position of figure, text-figures and table should also be indicated in the margin (in pencil). Tables should be such as can be accommodated in a single column or page. References in the text should be cited as Seward & Sahni (1920) or (Seward & Sahni 1920). All submitted manuscripts will be peer reviewed. The authors are requested to send their revised manuscript on CD along with a hard copy. Under "References" only those papers should be listed which have been cited in the text. They should arranged alphabetically, according to author's surnames.


Baksi S.K. 1962, Palynological investigation of Simsang River Tertiaries South Shillong Front, Assam, Bull Geol, Min. Metall Soc. India 26: 1-22

Dutta S.K. & Sah S.C.D. 1970: Palynostratigraphy of the Tertiary sedimentary formations of Assam-5, Strantigraphy and palynology of South Shillong Plateau Palaeontographica Abt. B 131(1-4):1-72.

Photographic Illustrations should not ordinarily exceed 10 percent of the typescript. Photographs in a plate should be glossy and of equal tone value. They should be cut rectangular and mounted closely and firmly on white card sheet. The print area of the journal is 23 * 17.5 cm., Numbering on the plates should be done separately for each plate. Text-figures should bear, on the back, the name(s) of the authors, title of the paper and the reduction desired. Explanation of plates and legends to text-figures should be given at the end of the manuscript. Magnification given should correspond to the final size of reproduction.

Proofs will be sent to the authors once. They should be checked carefully and returned promptly. The authors will receive the pdf of the published articles.

This is to mention that every effort is being made to ensure the accuracy of all the information contained in the journal Geophytology. Moreover, the content provided, opinions and views expressed in the research articles are solely those of the authors.



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